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[PICS] Aftermath of the storm...

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    [PICS] Aftermath of the storm...

    This is what my yard looks like this morning....

    3_10150296114974689_747004688_9442186_4773760_n.jp g"/>

    WOW, that is a major setback. We dodged that bullet(thank God).


      Said it once, will say it again, FRICKED. Betcha wishin yous had yer Canola & Soybeans in the ground, rather than in the Bag. Listen to yer elders next time, we been around the Block a few times......


        That looks like a winter's worth of drifts.
        You have my sympathies Klause.

        WTF with all the crap weather on the planet?
        It's like farming is near impossible all of a sudden!


          I haven't even ventured outside yet..... the highways have been closed since yesterday. the good thing is the days are getting longer, it should melt faster then in march....I think I will go back to bed


            Yeah.... it's sunny here now. And windy still.

            I need to put a input shaft seal on my pickup in the morning tomorrow, dig myself out, and hope by late afternoon the highways to Yorkton are good. I'm heading to S'toon to visit my girlfriend. F***k this snow for a week.

            Rob, mind if I add you on Facebook?


              Where's all the Old Nags??? IF'n I were you I would be renting a D8 a pushing the snow off every last acre instead of going to play in Saskatune. Frick the GF, all she does is COST money. Ain't gon grow a Crop wit an attitude like that. Bank will be calling soon, kris......


                I don't owe anything on land... and all my equipment payments are made. My banker don't give a damn what I do.

                I can shut down the farm for a year and spend it in the oil patch and make $60K... Cash in on my unseeded acres payment from Crop Ins, make another $100,000K.

                If the weather don't smarten up, that's mighty tempting.


                  Sure thing Klause


                    I would think the Markets will take note of the setbacks in Western Canada over the past week.


                      I was thinking the same thing....what will the market do.... oats is dragging way behind, untill i get something in the ground i will hold on to my 2010 oats. I am pretty sure that all this snow will set us back 2weeks minimum


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