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Seeding plans are they changing!

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    Seeding plans are they changing!

    Yep you bet.
    We wont be in field for maybe two to three weeks because of flooding and fact were a fricking swamp.
    So were looking at changing some cropping plans at last minuet.
    Simply Canola same as last year.
    HRS will see a increase of 1000 acres.
    Durum same as two years ago or back to old 1000 acres.
    Dropping Oats sorry its done 100 bush at today's price not even in ball park any more.
    Malt barley is going down the tubes to not even in park.
    Peas will go to lowest level since we started growing them years ago. Less than a section.
    Flax not on radar last few years and were not going to grow this year.
    Why change.
    HRS in USA is in trouble drought all way north to Kansas. Winter wheat problems in our area on acreage seeded last fall. Lots of dead areas.
    Oil seeds the EU says big problems for winter ****seed crop. Could be lower than last years production.
    So what are others doing?

    One other question, If the West and South in Saskatchewan is going to be behind seeding wont their be potential problems for canola in heat of July (OK maybe a normal July). Old guys would say south of maple creek if its not seeded in April your done.


      No changes here, NW, Winter wheat is up and plan on top dressing in a few days before rain/showers show up. Should be seeding in 7 days or so if it warms up enough. Most small potholes dried up. That is so far, things can and will change, but as of now we are in much better shape than last year this time as far as soil moisture.


        Only thing that will hold back seeding in a week is to get down roads. Was told this morning one person going to try and seed peas today.


          Where yous at newguy??? Hooka quadtrac to the front & pull the beach down the Road.....


            Yes they are. Approx 25% of our acres are under 2 feet of water and wont get seeded till late may at best. Gonna have to adjust something to accomodate this. The biggest loser will be lentils I bet. Wet ground and lentils is just a disaster waiting to happen.

            Hopefully we can start on some higher ground later next week if it doesnt rain.

            Excellent drying day today. Was still 19 at 5 pm. Dry you mfer, dry!


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