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Chairman Mao?

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    Hey, all I'm saying is that I would prefer that our duly elected leaders quote someone other than Chairman Mao.

    For some reason Mao murdering millions and millions of his own people bothers me. Must have something to do with my "ideology". Because it doesn't seem to bother lefties at all.


      Here's another thing I'm not keen on.

      In the French language debate the good count said, “The Canadian army must never be used outside the country without the authorization of the UN.”


      So...the five countries on the UN security council which include Russia and China get to decide where we send our troops? I don't think so, the Canadian military is the CANADIAN military not the UN's.


        Franny I hope your not growing the "flowering" variety of Canola this year.
        Or the Word Police could knock at your door In the Middle Of the Night
        You could be dragged away in your "bloomers" never to be heard from again LOL


          So mustard you think Mao is a great guy, you're an admirer of the chairman, is that it?


            Well the best way to find that out would be to order a satellite view of mustard's garden and if there are flowers and they are gonna bloom then I'm sorry mustard by right wing deduction and logic you are gonna be on THE LIST along with all those grandmas, lol lol lol lol !!!!!


              Ya I'll probably be hauled off by the Word Police to a New Maximum security prison that will be built by the cons and heir Harper LOL


                Wow, millions and millions of innocent people murdered by this communist madman, who has more blood on his hands than Hitler, and you just think its a big joke.

                Do you guys make holocaust jokes in your spare time as well?


                  Mustard you devil you what are you gonna do with all them grannys there?


                    Rider, in regard to the "grannys' we'll have to "let the flowers bloom ,let the flowers bloom "

                    Oh I've got to go there is a knock at the door. LOL


                      Once again leaving no doubt that the knuckles of those on the left are closer to the floor than that of normal people.


                        I doubt Mao's thugs bothered to knock.

                        You'd think if Ignatief didn't know better than to
                        quote this monster, that someone in his war
                        room would. Bizarre.


                          The only ones it is serious too are the nutballs that make the link from flowers to mao mao to ignatieff. Do you really think someone cannot find a clip where harper mentions flowers? About as Kooky as saying harper gave his wife flowers for her birthday oh my god that's a sign!

                          And even if he did, you think there aren't some simular words of hitler or others in harpers past? Some of us are telling you we are tired of this bullshit spin crap, you just don't get it.

                          Get real! Do you even know that your posts are proving what some of us are saying that you guys are extreme! Millions of acres flooded out and the best you can come up with is lets talk flowers.

                          Besides the real fun is not the content of what is being said, but it's thinking of you extremests vibrating in your seats to try and spin everything others say into something favorable about harper and negative about everyone else, that is the real fun. Wanna check your pulse about now?

                          On a side note, why are we in libya when beck says the people overthrowing him are communists terrorists organizing to overthrow the free world?

                          What is really scary is that you extremists are gonna f up free world capitalism by excessive individual greed for the rest of us to the point that the extreme left nut balls are gonna gain enough support to make in roads where they shouldn't be which is here.


                            I forgot to mention did you script Ritz's jokes about the dead Canadians as a result of the incompetant handling of the tainted meat? There is no leap of faith to make a connection there, yet our pm didn't have the dignity or respectability for those canadians to fire his ass!


                              I guess the talking point word of the day is "extreme" ?

                              I find it extremely interesting in how extremely agitated some of you get in your extreme hatred for anyone who doesn't think the government needs to be extremely controlling of the lives of the extreme majority of Canadians. We live in an extremely challenging world and I wonder what extreme lengths we will have to go to to give ourselves the extreme advantage in these times!

                              Oh yeah, there is an extreme amount of snow and water outside right now. Extremely disappointing! We will be extremely fortunate if we can seed by mid may.


                                "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"

                                Barry Goldwater


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