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IF Harper wants to BE Tough On Crime...

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    Parsley so by starting at the top as you say , does this include the PM's office ?


      I have heard of government cheating in the electoral system in other dictator type countries but Harper was the first ever to do it in Canada. I expect many more firsts from Harper in the future.


        Comedian politics, is a WASTE OF TIME!
        This land chugs along, whether
        Parliament is in session er not. There
        is no leadership er vision on the
        horizon either. Fools leading fools.
        Right now all Comedian eyes are on the
        wedding of the Royals. We's only
        interested in paying our taxes and
        watching the fairy tail wedding that is
        about to unfold. After all we are
        British subjects, that own nothing and
        are proud loyalists........


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