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Red River Crest Date

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    Red River Crest Date

    Is expected for April 29 to the 5th of May assuming average precip. What does this mean for the land that's flooded??? How long after the crest could the land be worked??? Two weeks??? What % of Manitoba land would be affected??? 5%??

    We have bigger problems in MB than the Red River
    flooding... There's a lot of snow this winter, and as it's
    melting any of the areas with heavy clay already have
    6" of water laying over the entire field and the snow is
    not yet all gone....


      Don't forget about all the agricultural drainage that has happened over the last 100 years. About half of the cultivated land in Saskatchewan drains into the Winnipeg area of Manitoba and the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority has turned a blind eye to ditching over the years. Millions of wetlands are gone. Ditching causes flooding. By the time this water all passes into Lake Winnipeg I'm afraid there is going to more damage than expected.


        Fortunately, someone in the 80's saw fit to build a dam to hold back/control allot of water that flows down to Minot, along the Assiniboine through Brandon and then further east. Those Tetslaf brothers and the NDP cost the taxpayers allot of money fighting against a dam that will pay big dividends in flood control and future fun.


          Hmmm... Maybe yous should drive around in yer fancy new platinum pickup and actually see what is going on out there. Uhh all the tributaries that feed the Misses Red and the Assboine are already goin down, down, down. Only took 2 days cause it was melting slowly fer the past tree weeks. This last week warm, but not much there to melt, fields are BLACK now. Guys are gon be wishin they worked there land twice and harrowed once wit a diamond harrow bar last fall. Most only worked once and I'd say 90% not even harrowed. Gon be interestin to see what the genies do to prepare the seed bed. Not the year to be playing around like this pretending to know how to farm. Oh well Coffee Shop is more important......


            http://www.globalwinnipeg.com/story.html?id=4562381 - 24 Hour Live Video: Winnipeg flood camera

            CLICK the link to watch the Dead River not Flood....


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