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Forage insurance

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    Forage insurance

    What are the thoughts out there on forage insurance? I have carried it for years and in 2009 was the only year that I ever had a claim--drought got us in this part of the country. The amount that was paid out hardly would have bought enough hay, especially at the inflated prices, even if one could have found any to feed the herd. I see now with the moisture deficiency one has to guess when the rain will come--what percentage will come in May, June, July-- and of course this option adds to the cost of insurance. It seems to me like it is getting like buying tickets on the lotto and hoping your numbers match up. I guess it might be smarter to self-insure on forage--what do some of you folks do in this regard?

    Have had rainfall for 10 years or so. Never got a dime yet. Always scared to cancel as could be this year to collect. Got my tame hay all hailed out one year and did not cover that ofcourse. Have lots of hay and grass so I think this year I will cancel.


      A gov't shutdown will affect any statistics as far as I know there will be no reporting during a gov't shutdown. How it will effect grain prices have no idea. They are out 4 billion. This is all about cutting spending or increasing revenues. I am sure no one here would want to take on the job before them. And interest rates are low, what if they rose 2 percent. I read it somewhere cannot remember but if interest rates rose 2 percent it would amount to something much bigger than the measely 4 billion. They are on thin ice. Should get interesting.


        From what I am aware, a shutdown would shutdown non essential services saving the gov't money in the process.


          From da gist of it that me gatter is 14 of Tom's Buddies are hidin across State Lines in Illinoise wit dare tongues stuck out, singin nah, nah, nah, nah, You's kin't git Me to da Wisconsin Pigs. Don't wanna vote on Balancin da Budget. Guess ware dey stayin??? Comfort Inn, Guess who payin da Tab??? Tax Payin Slaves. Da Dems say dey won't be comin back till da Repubs back down, will stay on da Run as long as needed. IS dis da new way of Governin' a Country now??? Don't like someting so gist up & leave wit no vote. Heck what is wrong wit YOU's??? You's hired dese supposedly Best of da Best Chiselin & Cheatin Politicos to do da Job & fer What!!!!

          Dese Guys/Gals are Fugitives on da Run and shood be Strung up like FreeWit Strings his Antelope up er Fall!!!!!!!!


            Not sure what your trying to say BTO , what I think is that when it comes to shutting down gov't is the answer to a financial problem then things are not good. Millitary is still on the essential side.


              Talkin bout Wisconsin Incident. Turn on Faux News, We decieve, You Believe.............


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