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Hear Ye.....

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    Hear Ye.....

    .... Hear Ye, Hear Ye...

    Look like da Drill might be Runnin Sooner den I taught!!!

    Ground Hog didn't see his Shadow, Early Spring Comin' fer You's that don't know what that Means!!!!

    Wheat fer Free, Git yer Free Wheat here better be prayin to da Ground Hog Gods dis Year!!!!!

    In Sask.

    If ground hog doesn't see his shadow- 6 more weeks of winter.

    If ground hog sees his shadow- a month and a half.


      heard the statistic today that the Groundhog is right 39% of the time. this would definatly be a good year for him to be right


        I am looking for investment capital for buying and training camels.

        Goal isto barrel race with them at the Calgary Stampede in 2012.

        Camel riding looks like such fun.
        Any one with money to invest? Pars


          That would be intersting to see and would create some talk. Can i sponsor the kill the CWB camel? Big placard on the side and sell advertising on each.


            I think UFO's will land in Yorkton before we see an ealy spring this year - time will tell but givin low sun spot activity, cool pacific and negatitive polar atmosphere 90% chance winter is here for a while.



              How about a little more subtlety? Train one camel to lie down on command.

              Set up betting. LOL

              Bookies can take bets on Board camels vs Free Market Camels. (Board supporters are loyal....lol)

              They just won't know their camel will lie down.

              The free Market wins and gets all the attention...(camels in Calgary....LOL We can get Camel cigarettes to sponsor) and we scoop up Board wagers' $$ and pocket all of them. Not only that, but riding camels will be a lark. We'll ship the camels to Montreal when we're done, and the trucker can turn them out on the street. It'll take Ritz a couple of years to figure out what to do. LOL

              50/50? Pars


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