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c to c alumni conference 2011

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    team up with someone who "believes in the CWB"

    Is the CWB a 'religion' that a 'faith' mentor is helpful to understand the 'miracle' of the single desk monopoly?

    It is really good to go in with both eyes open... no doubt.

    Do we 'believe' in the CBOT, MGE and KBOT? Since the CWB prices our wheat off these markets... perhaps these risk management tools should be studied far more... and the 'single desk' fade into the background?

    John Depape and Cityguy... along with Charlie P really nailed the technical side of CWB risk management and trades that are made... mistakes that were made... and future issues to watch for (like the CWB rolling futures months) that truly are market movers.

    Will February 20 2011 be like 2008?

    Markets are 'chaos' (fundamental events like weather change them) events so never say never!

    I wouldn't hold my breath...

    Please report back your revelations... the pricing pace... how the CWB manages risk on this market moving duty that others fear to tread near!


      (sorry about the short abb)

      Please go back and read (Again if you haven't yet then twice);

      "Topic: BPC 8.94 with more flexibility than SPG Minot by timm.

      This should be a classic Agriville must read on CWB risk management... for anyone who ACTUALLY claims to understand how the CWB works.

      Add to this that all CWB are made through the pools... no direct sales between growers and end users on wheat, or durum... and an interesting picture emerges.

      The grain merchants watch CWB moves like hawks... and pick off profits like you would eat a turtle at Christmas... they see them coming... and what can farmers do about it?

      The CWB Directors are not even allowed to use PPO flat price tools yet... let alone understand the rest of CWB complex trades!

      Have fun! Ask hard questions!



        Are you going to C to C in Whinnipeg or the alumni c
        to C in Saskatoon?


          lnewman, You will definatly find a young farmer that supports the board, pogressive would leave that for you to determine.

          Jason, I got my alumni invite never responded so I guess I am out for this year. Didnt know what my schedule was going to look like for January.

          Tom, I agree - have been saying for years it should be the pool guys have a dealine to sign up for not Pricing options. That way they could just put a daily price out with delivery periods attached for when they need the product most. Would make things much less complicated.

          Happy New Year everyone!


            Funny I've never received an invitation to
            this myself. I guess those couple hundred
            individual farmers that we've been making
            Board grain marketing decisions for the
            last seven years don't qualify us to


              the alumni conference is for the farmers who attended the c to c conference over the years in Winnipeg. Any farmer who hasnt gone can talk to their CWB rep to get in. I went years ago. I never been to alumni conference.



                You must NOT be on the CWB hit list!


                  I well try to report what happens at the Saskatoon
                  conference ,thats if I can report on this secret society ?


                    I've been to both the CIGI tour is very good. the alumni conference is filled with lots of guys looking to get away in Jan.
                    I suggest standing up at the mike and asking a few hard, fair questions
                    DePapes website http://www.cwbmonitor.blogspot.com/

                    is a great place to start.

                    You'll self identify yourself and a few farmers will come over and talk to you.

                    Mbatrudes comment is accurate about there are young farmers out there that support the monopoly. Progressive has many meanings.

                    The people that support the monopoly won't bother you either.

                    I'll throw in what I think will be said. Add the CWB spin, we all get it every day, and know what it is.

                    1) Democracy works farmers(read permit book holders want the monopoly)

                    2)Rail costing review and CWB holding railways accountable. No mention of anyone other than CFA, APAS,WRAP, Keystone. doing anything on Transportation

                    BTW the CWB paid for ALL costs of the Travecon study, and the advertising that was all over the radio all summer.



                    You will be well fed and watered, entertainment will be geared towards the 50 plus crowd. and over at 9

                    They will ask your opinions in breakout sessions but wont implement a single idea without being overly complicated and pushing all risk onto you the user.

                    Guys like you will come away mad at the costs of the monopoly to western Canada.
                    The Pro monopoly crowd will come away after seeing all their old friends and reliving past glories.
                    Most will walk away well fed and thinking pretty high of themselves that they were invited to such an exclusive event. Thinking that they might have helped bring new ideas to the CWB.

                    They won't have


                      I glad to get an idea what is going to happen . I'm glad
                      I am going to pay someone to feed my cattle.O well I
                      still get to finally meet my first board supporter.


                        looking for you here at c to c?


                          lnewman looked for you here tonight did not see you.
                          It won't be hard for you to find progressive pro Cwb young farmers here.

                          Most of the young farmers I talked to so far here tonight are young progressive farmers that are pro CWB.

                          If they are not they do not say they are anti Cwb.

                          I would like to see a anti Cwb farmer get up and debate when there is a opportunity to ask questions.

                          There was one question tonight about the $60,000,000 that was collected from the railways for overcharging farmers for rail freight and it was paid into research and development.

                          Not many other questions asked.


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