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Bizarre Albera Legislation

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    Sorry Tom I was thinking more of governments that Change thru elections not ones of Royalty where the lineage and entitlements are passed on for generations like Alberta


      I'm not on a knole TOM, not even on a knoll. You don't need a position of elevation to see the hypocrisy in your arguments. All the hundreds of hours you and your friends spend attacking the CWB for all the restrictions and wrongs it allegedly imposes on grain producers yet legislation that negatively affects every man,woman and child in this province doesn't concern you because your little buddies sitting in the Leg. in Edmonton back your campaign to overturn the CWB.
      So you can spare us all the religious indignation about freedom, liberty and moral wrong doing as you are supporting the very same with your communist Conservative friends.



        What can I do to help? Pars


          Grassfarmer is upset when the Alberta government is trampling property rights in Bill 36, but it’s perfectly OK for the CWB to do the same thing.

          You can’t even argue a that there is some pseudo public good to the CWB act, unless reducing wheat acres in western Canada is somehow good for the environment or something.

          You should probably drop the hypocrisy argument, and just concentrate on the trampling property rights thing instead. More of us would be with you on that one.


            He's supply management property rights dances

            I'm organic property rights dances

            You're biotech property rights can't dance


            Do we have ANY commonality? Or do we decide to not even try?




              I second that motion... well said... and much better that you said it!

              Grassfarmer I am STILL waiting for Minister Morton and MLA Griffiths to deliver on a private property 'Bill of Rights'.

              If this were legislation the PC's did implement... it would end all the confiscation and compensation problems with the Bills you legitimately despise.

              Will MLA Doug and Minister Ted come through???



                Come to think of it...

                If Alberta would pass such legislation...

                And then;

                If 7 of 10 provinces and 50 percent of the Canadian population past a property rights bill... in their provinces,

                It could even end the CWB 'single desk' monopoly over my families farm!!!

                YOu are getting me all excited Grassfarmer!!!


                  TOM - why are you still waiting? this is Morton's bill of rights - it was passed last spring and is in place now.
                  If you think Morton and Co. are also covertly working on legislation that is the opposite of Bills 19, 36 and 50 while at the same time saying there is nothing wrong with the current bills you are further away with the fairies than I thought


                    TOM4CWB: Too late...under Bill 36 the government of Alberta can now TAKE YOUR FARM and give NO COMPENSATION WHATSOEVER.

                    Your pals in the LEGISLATURE tricked you AGAIN....SOLD YOU OUT...and all the farmers of Alberta have NO inherent RIGHTS to their property anymore.

                    Your land title is now USELESS...what will the bankers say now?...sorry I can't loan you any money as the land title offers NO security. Watch for it.


                      Guys... Guys,

                      Where did any legislation... provincial or federal... give you the idea that we ever did have private property rights in Canada?

                      It does not exist!

                      The PC's did us all a BIG favour... by making people like you two... finally realize we never did have any property rights in Alberta!

                      If we did.. have property rights in Alberta... the AB Gov. couldn't legally pass this legislation!!!

                      Thanks for making my point for me... now you know what I feel like every time I see a kernal of wheat or barley!!!!


                        I cannot understand why it is that only two farmers who are socialists, are upset over property rights legislation in Alberta, yet the farmers who advocate for strong property rights are not actively and loudly sspeaking out against this legislation.

                        What is wrong with this picture? Pars


                          Parsley ITs a little thing called Partisan Politics. This is when a government puts a policy forward that is wrong but You are willing to Overlook simply because it was You who put them in power -
                          so you say to yourself what they are doing must be right because it is my beloved xyz party.


                            I guess I believe that the property rights issue is too important for partisanshit.

                            If a nest of feculent politician can drive a partisan wedge between land owners, well, I guess farmers deserve to have their land parcelled up and baragained away in settlements-poker.

                            Blink. Is that the best we can do?




                              I simply do not get it.

                              We have long gun legislation,

                              We have supply management legislation,

                              We have these new Alberta Bills,

                              We have CWB Act Legislation.

                              And hundreds of other laws that breach the BNA Act... and have the feds in provincial jurisdiction... and income/GST taxes that break the BNA Act.

                              Canada is a country of paradoxes... that is as often off in left field; as it is following the Canadian Constitution.

                              If Mustard, Grassyknole and Wilagro are worried... I wonder why???

                              You enjoy stealing my families wheat and barley... how does it feel?


                                Well this time it is different. The government of AB can take your land without compensation and there is NO RECOURSE THROUGH THE COURTS. LAND TITLES CAN BE EXTINGUISHED BY THE SIGNATURE OF ONE MAN and there is NO recourse. Let that sink in for awhile.

                                They can rezone without any prior notice as well. You have NO say or appeal.

                                Tom...have you even read anything about this monstrous power grab? It is truly wicked what they have done.


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