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markets are going to fire up

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    markets are going to fire up

    The market can no longer hide the facts:
    - Canadian production in big trouble
    - Ukraine may also ban exports soon
    - Russian production expected down anouther 10 mmt
    - China's cold spell did severe damage just recently
    - Brazil is dry
    - U.S. corn yeilds are down
    And Cargil was trying to get farmers sell canola at the lowest price in months and will be for a long time - I hope no one was dumd enough to fall for their b/s.

    Oh yea every fall we here prices have to drop because of harvest pressure. Yet this year NO harvest at all and Grain Companys are trying to steal farmers grain. Hm. Makes you wonder.


      see the temps from Camrose this morning, ouch! -3 at midnight and still moving down to -7 at 7:00am



        Oh man, that would be dumb not dumd, wow my one finger spelling is rude.
        Anyway, hearing alot of grain cars need to be filled and elevators are cleaned out. Would be great if anyone could get going. Looks like we may get today and tomorow then a week off again.


          Temp still dropping here too, not as bad yet.


            Volume is low. Speculators could trigger a short squeeze.


              Miinie wheat up big this A.M.


                http://viewswire.eiu.com/index.asp?layout=ib3Article&pubtypeid=1122462497&a rticle_id=1427367127&rf=0


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