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For Western SK guys...

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    For Western SK guys...

    Who don't quite grasp what "wet" means in the East. This pic was taken out of the left side of the combine cab. It hadn't rained for 9 days.

    <img src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs411.snc4/47470_10150092925294689_747004688_7014319_3081260_ n.jpg"/>

    There is a good idea for those guys that want to suck guys into renting their wet land out. They can pay you 30 40 or 50 bucks an acre not do a thing to the land collect their 50 and 30 bucks make a quick 30 and then their 70 to 100 on agriscrewyouvation, then they could invite the agleaders to sit in a circle (on canoes) and smoke their pot while watching their exotic crop of frogs.
    In the end you'll be screwed out of 30 bucks and your land a mess.


      Good post Klaus, you know some of those guys do understand, but some don't, there are pockets not far from here that had less rain different soil and it's not quite as bad and they don't understand even when they see our situation not far away. Good luck to you!


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