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Canola... The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

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    Canola... The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

    mg src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs626.snc4/58660_10150094613739689_747004688_7053876_5029612_ n.jpg"/>
    mg src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs305.ash2/58539_10150094613479689_747004688_7053874_6143516_ n.jpg"/>
    mg src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs634.snc4/59463_10150094613104689_747004688_7053873_4580205_ n.jpg"/>

    We are swathing canola now that was adjusted at 3-5 bu/acre. There are thousands of acres like this in our area. When we where working stuff down in July we left the areas that seemed dry. The canola that we had left I honestly thought would end up making an acceptable crop, but the damn stuff just deteriorated till there was nothing left. But then you go 5 miles to the east of us and it looks like they might get a 30 bu crop. Highly variable this year.

    We are also done the barley and the avg for the farm is approx 35bu/acre. 1 1/4 went 60 the others went 25-30. Took it all off testing between 20-25. But at least its dry now and in the bin.

    The wheat and oats in the area look excellent, they seemed to have pulled through better than anything else.


      Oh well at least this year we are not alone in this as the area affected is 3 X as large as in 05/06/07. But the one thing I learned those years is the market does not care at all if we grow a crop, they will get it from some where else.


        Are you always able to swath your canola with a bat reel?


          Sure... My two swathers are both bat
          reels... I need to upgrade one but no
          $$$ this year.

          We select varieties that have high
          standability... so even one like last
          year's 55 bu/ac 9553 is easy to cut:




            Woops. Lets try that again.

            Sure... My two swathers are both bat
            reels... I need to upgrade one but no
            $$$ this year.

            We select varieties that have high
            standability... so even one like last
            year's 55 bu/ac 9553 is easy to cut:








              Sure... My two swathers are both bat
              reels... I need to upgrade one but no
              $$$ this year.

              We select varieties that have high
              standability... so even one like last
              year's 55 bu/ac 9553 is easy to cut:

              os.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs023.snc3/11057_218205694688_747004688_4092135_7734172_n.jpg &quot;/&gt;

              os.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs003.snc3/11057_218205639688_747004688_4092133_4031967_n.jpg &quot;/&gt;


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