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The Pro and Con CWB whack jobs take over yet another forum

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    The Pro and Con CWB whack jobs take over yet another forum

    I would just like to say to all the whack jobs who want to do away with the CWB and all the whack jobs that just love the CWB that there is common ground that should be looked for, for the benefit of all farmers.

    Gawd every week you whack jobs take over the letter to editors column of the Western Producer and now you are doing it here.

    My comment is that without the CWB the average farmer would have to do their own marketing which they wouldn't leaving the marketing open to the grain handling companies at a much higher cost and for you CWB nuts, there is always room to improve the CWB to make it less an inflexible bureaucracy and more of a benefit to farmers.

    It is turkeys like you who can't see beyond your own point of view either pro or con who will ultimately be the death of the "family" farm in Canada. How because you will get something that does nothing for no one as the Government tries to compromise to keep you morons happy. So why don't you think a little before you blow off your mouth in public!

    PS,give us your best angle at change here then.............


      Yes, please enlighten us oh "moderate" wheat board lover.

      I'd love to hear more about how wanting to make the wheat board voluntary is an -extreme- point of view.


        Here's an old idea, let's keep the CWB and lose the monopoly.
        If the CWB's marketing is so superior as it's advocates proclaim, they will have no trouble securing farmers grain.
        If it can't compete then it will either have to roll up its sleeves or fold.
        99% of farmers would do business with the CWB voluntarily if the CWB was paying open-market prices with an open-market basis. Their idiot-proof basis on the fpc is a bad joke.

        That's the solution, Sodbuster. Will it ever happen? Will the arguing and debating ever end?


          Sod buster - are you aware of what is going on in the markets right now??? Calling people moron's without having a solution yourself is shooting of your mouth. Let's hear your solution. Believe me most of us have thought long and hard about what to do - the many changes made are still bogus b/c the borg has the right to adjust those changes on a whim without farmer input. Thus leaving the situation a ****in mess with no viable benifit to the farmer.


            Jay, that is the best solution...let them prove that they are the best...that will mean do or die like it is for employees of any other grain handler...make me money, by good trading and happy customers, or hit the frickin road!!


              Only one letter to the Western Producer bears my signature. Only one sent. Only one published.

              But I have a keen interest in discussing policy with other Western farmers, hence I write on Agri-ville. It is a valuable service for farmers, and is run well. It also provides an opportunity for me to dress up in my whacko status without being embarrassed, because on AV, I can fully explain the reasons, unedited, for my wahcko jobs psyche.

              You see, the Wheat Board did not market wheat when organics began having a good run at developing markets, they did no selling, no marketing, nor provide any service to organic farmers. But they did extract money from every export license issued, every bushel, every tonne, some times such a high buyback, that the sale was cancelled. Over and over. That buyback money provided a steady stream of cash into conventional pools, hence organics got a tad edgey, even though conventional farmers enjoyed the 'money from home'.

              Especially because organics contracted most of the time, and too many times the CWB buyback was so high, the sale was cancelled, it became difficult to do business, and willing sellers and buyers were impeded.

              One time on this farm, when I called Cargill on Thursday to see how much the buyback was, because we had a load of milling wheat to go down to the USA on Monday, Cargill regretted to inform us that the CWB had actually disallowed the buyback AT ANY PRICE. No license would be granted. Period. The decision was overturned and the CWB did allow the sale, but it made me question state authority. Who did these bastards think they were, shutting down commerce?

              I wrote CWB counsel. I still have the letter from the CWB lawyer snottily stating they did not have to give any reason for denying any export license. Period.

              That was the day I dug my heels in. And that was the beginning of my education about a state monopoly who had no common sense, no diplomacy, and simply zero duty to farmers.

              No decency.

              Read that again. I believe that the CWB is not a decent acting institution.

              ZERO conventional farmers spoke up against this predatory action of the state CWB monopoly ten years ago, but a few "whack jobs" brought it to Western farmers' attention.

              In fact even CWB Director Rod Flaman eventually sat up and noticed organics, and declared himself an organic produer.

              As you well know, the CWB stole marketing information from each and every organic growers' export license information,(that's my opinionated view of it) compiled a viable list of buyers, hired staff who became overnight experts in organics, and began marketing in competition with my buyers against whacko jobs farmers like me. And organic wheat sales had no where to go but down.

              The state against the farmer.

              So, PrairieSodBuster, if I get a little peeved,I hope you can be a little understanding. I would suggest you spend less time whacking off, and educate yourself about WHY farmers, overwhelmingly, one after another, like the tide in the ocean, turn away from the Wheat Board. And then post your ideas so that we can learn something that you cannot wait to share. Parsley


                As a "moron" I just have to respond: The only reason this family farm is still hanging on is because of the grain companies dealing in grains other than board grains. I love the job of marketing my production myself. I don't want and I certainly don't need the CWB shackling my efforts to make a profit. All I want is the ability to CHOOSE FOR MYSELF WHO TO SELL MY GRAIN TO!! The rest of the absolute idiots that want the CWB to do the job for them should have that freedom as well. We do live in what is reffered to as a free country! Why is it so difficult to get freedom of choice concerning board grains? Give us our freedom and the "Morons will be silent" Imagine that if you will.


                  Well said muskeg!!


                    Many towns that have any grain elevators left are stuck with one or two grain companies. There is NO real competition. They know that they rule the roost and act accordingly. Yes, it would be nice for farmer operators to have more freedom to market where and when and to whom, but don't bet on any favors or equal treatment from the system without the CWB. You can bet on that one too...it'll be every dog for himself and the devil take the hindmost.



                      HAVE YOU EVER HEARD of a TRUCK?


                        Dah as a moron who writes on here man its easy to call names but show me your solution. Its simple question show me how you would like to see it work. Whats going on now doesnt so show us your plan and if its smart then maybe it will be adapted but just calling us morons god what a comment.
                        Well wilgro since the devil will take you over I cant wait. Every man for himself. RA RA. Come on man it works for canola it works for oats, Barley flax peas. If you don't like price once its on the truck it doesn't matter where it goes. God.


                          Willagro what makes you think you are getting special favors or equal treatment from the current CWB system?

                          They're certainly not doing you any favours when it comes to prices and delivery options. That's where you're getting hosed the worst.


                            Perhaps his buyback price has been favorably negotiated lower to a 'more meaningful level', compared to one I would be arbitrarily assigned.

                            The rumours....Ouch.

                            Just ask a grain company if they step put of line by criticizing the Board, if there are repercusions.


                            I have a letter the CWB wrote to a cattle function in Sask. near the US border, stating the event would not be allowed to import donoughts from the USA if there was another event the following year.

                            The farmer didn't want to drive three hours to Regina, so he slid across the line and imported doughnuts with FKLOUR in them.

                            The CWB read the customs report, hence the warning. Can't remember exactly but around 10 dozen donuts.

                            The CWB institution have NO decency.


                              The whack jobs on both sides of the fence say either.

                              "Oh we have to keep the CWB as it is"

                              and the whack jobs on the other side say

                              "Oh we have to have an open market"

                              As for demanding I give a solution, in all the years (since I started reading the WP) I have heard you morons "bitch and moan" on both sides...not one time has any of you proposed a solution other than the one you want. So don't demand I give you something because you'd only deride it anyway.

                              What I want is a way where we can build competitive advantages without subsidies like the EU and the US. Where we stop whining and build a system that is better than the CWB and isn't loaded with PRO Board or ANTI Board turkeys who only care about how much they are making individually.
                              Yes I want better prices...hell my Grandfather wanted them and my Father wanted them, but they made what they got work. My Grandfather worked under an open market system and the CWB. When the grain companies have no "pressures" they act like any other business to maximize profit margins and that means more comes out of your pocket. Remember we farmers don't control the grain handling as we used to. My Grandfather preferbeing under the CWB if for no other reason it insured the big farmers didn't take the best prices and plug the elevators, it levelled the playing field.

                              Tell me the truth, you'd love to get your neighbors land and his neighbor and so on. If you had a farm as large as a township you'd still not be happy. But guess what everyone thinks the same way and you are in someone elses sights. You'll never have enough money because you have to have more land, the latest and best equipment and all you do is work for the bank and the day you don't make your payments will be the day the bank happily sells your land to someone a little bigger.

                              As long as farmers are self interested and greedy the system will never change to benefit everyone. The PRO CWB turkeys are ludites by thinking the CWB can't be improved and being more accountable to the farmers. The Anti CWB turkeys are angry because they can't haul their grain across the border and maybe because the CWB keeps the little guys in business and you want their land!

                              I knew when I wrote my first post every dingbat in Western Canada would find their voice. I take the middle ground I neither support the CWB in its current guise or feel that a fully open market would be of a benefit to the farmers...in fact I think it will only help the Grain Handling companies.

                              So whack jobs...kiss my butt, when you start thinking for the industry and not just yourself then you can demand me to give solutions, but as long as you are all self interested, and self important windbags...kiss my butt!


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