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Flax Canada 2015 Inc. (FC2015)

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    Flax Canada 2015 Inc. (FC2015)

    I'm Swedish, and yes, a bit on the dumb side. And configured with blind spots when it comes to:

    Flax Council of Canada
    Flax Canada 2015 Inc. (FC2015)
    The Flax Canada 2015 Phase II Initiative

    I want to "follow the money and see what these folks have spent:


    However, duh, I can't seem to find a link, duh, or a financial statement, duh to follow the money.

    Could somebody help me out? Pars

    PS I emailed the Flax Council of Canada a few days ago, and asked them for a link but they did not reply.

    So, it must be obvious and right before my non-lying but blind eyes. Right?

    The Chair and Director JOHN OLIVER is ertainly a disciple of central planning. Paste the following pdf:


    He's sly enough to know farmers are necessary:

    "In the Leger poll announced on February 27, 2004, in the Toronto Star, Canadians and Americans ranked firemen the most trustworthy with a trust level of 99%. The second highest level of trust, at 97%, was in nurses. The third level, at 91%, was in physicians, and the fourth level, 89%, was in farmers. (Used car
    dealers, at 19%, were deemed more trustworthy than politicians at 14%.)"

    But did his kind of central planning include farmers sitting at the central planning? Nope.

    "We now need alignment of the like-minded. We began to attack the alignment question in April, 2004, here in Canada by putting together a group of people in a think-tank hosted by the University of Guelph and the Royal Bank. We ended up with seventeen participants comprising roughly a third in provincial government, a third in industry and a third in academia. We did not want a group of
    people representing all sectors of society. We wanted knowledgeable committed people with the right personal chemistry to work effectively in a closely knit team.

    Our goal was to construct a vision of the agrifood industry in Canada in 2020."

    So really WHO is he hustling for?

    "Prior to his current position with Maple Leaf Bio-concepts, Mr. Oliver was President, Dow Elanco Canada Inc., a joint venture between Dow Chemical and Eli Lilly to research, manufacture and market crop protection and biotechnology products"

    Yes. Well.

    Don't you just love people who sit in a backroom and plan your industry for you? Pars


      Research, manufacture and market crop protection and biotechnology products.

      Which, do you think is the most appropriate farmer conclusion, A or B?

      A "If you think people are into Ag policy for the Money, the term Delusional comes to mind.", says gusty

      B "If you think people aren't into Ag policy for the Money, the term slow comes to mind.", says pars

      Is this called "familiarizing" oneself with how the system works, wd9?


        1/3 provincial government
        1/3 industry
        1/3 third in academia

        These parties took it upon themselves to centrally plan the Flax Council of Canada.

        As a farmer, are you satisfied with this formation process, as well as the way the Flax Council is performing today? Pars


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