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Srange UFO in the sky!

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    Srange UFO in the sky!

    There is something bright in the Sky here, not sure what it is. Does feel warm though! Almost forgot what colour the sky was.

    It is a sign that unless you send all your cash to the United Nations right now, man caused climate change is going to roast us, or freeze us, into extinction by the time they come home from Copenhagen.


      Which direction did it come from? Better get ahold of NASA. This could be serious. If its emitting radiation, better call Al Gore too. Maybe David Phillips. And Jeremy Rifkin. Our food supply could be affected. Which in turn might affect the price.

      Oh - the implications of this. And it all out of our hands and can't be managed and controlled by the Government. Or the CWB. We're doomed!


        I hope we see it tomorrow today was white again this morning with lots of frost but starting to melt late afternoon.


          Saskatchewan is on high alert, sitings expected in the morning.


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