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Producer representation

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    Producer representation

    With the deadline for ABP candidates to enter their names for election this fall fast approaching what are you going to do?
    There has been much negative critisism (often justly deserved)aimed at ABP over the last two years but are producers collectively going to do anything about it this time around? The choices to me seem to be:
    1. Do nothing (as usual)- don't vote, don't elect and don't change.
    2. Try and work for change within the organisation.
    3. Try and scrap the organisation.
    4. Support an alternative organisation (Wildrose, BIG-C,NFU etc)
    5. Try and convince the Alberta Government that ABP are not speaking for producers best interests.

    I'd be interested to know your views - whether beef producers want to be represented in agri-politics or whether we are happy to limp along with no effective representation in a tough trading environment with continuing BSE troubles and Corporate consolidation threatening producers future livliehoods.
    Some of the brave people who were elected to ABP in some zones last fall, and are definately on our side, deserve to be told whether we still support them or are prepared to abandon them.

    Number 1 sounds about right. Tried #3...and found out that was a loser! Not much into tilting at windmills.


      Changing an organization involves having a BETTER PLAN. All too often folks have booted out rural councils, only to find that the ones that did all the complaining and dirty work behind the scenes to give them the boot, didn't have any plan for running the municipality when they were elected. The same applies to ABP. It won't matter if there are five hundred producers at each zone meeting unless they are all singing from the same or similar page when it comes to changes to the organization. For every one good idea that is put forth from the floor of a zone meeting there needs to be a logical plan of how it will be implemented and what benefit it will bring to the grassroots producer.
      It has long been my view that people expect their organization to get them out of difficulties in the tough times,and when times are good they aren't interested in paying attention to what is happening within their respective organizations, or don't have a clue what issues are facing the industry until they start feeling the effects of them in their own operation.
      Not much different than the multitude of folks that never read or listen to the news, don't have a clue who is the governing party or who their councillor, MLA or MP are. I can't understand how people can be so ignorant of what is happening around them but then its not my place to criticize their apathy.


        I think you just did. ;--)


          I don't understand it but its not my place to criticize. I am not apathetic about anything that affects me, my community or province for that matter and it boggles my mind that some folks don't get concerned at all, and then when there is a crisis they expect someone else to carry the torch.


            emerald: I suspect you are a very civic minded person? And Lord knows we need a few of you so the rest of us slackards can let you fight our battles!
            The basic fact is this: The ABP is not going to change? The primary producers are not going to come out in droves to force a change? If BSE didn't teach us that then nothing will?
            I detect a note of pessimism in Randys posts...he finally is starting to understand the concept of "to hell with trying to help people who don't give a rip, time to take care of myself"?
            In an ideal world people would care...but in a real world they just don't!
            Lets not forget the average age of most producers? They actually have seen all the BS and they recognize it for what it is? It would be nice to have a whole lot of gung-ho young guys around to stir the pot...unfortunately they all went to town?


              Cowman, I am impressed with some of the 'young guys and gals' in my community that actually get involved in organizations, get informed on issues and speak their mind. Some of them would put the majority of us to shame when it comes to getting out and trying to make a difference. But, for everyone of them that are trying to show leadershp there are a dozen others that ridicule and criticize them so I have to wonder how long they will enedavor to carry the torch.
              Being civic minded is a thankless lot I can assure you, but it was something that has been drilled into me from day one. I don't really think you are a slackard, you seem to keep on top of issues and most importantly you have an opinion !!!!!!!!


                Maybe the idea a refundable or at least partially refundable checkoff should be raised again. A refundable checkoff would almost instantly resolve the issue of accountability and would force the ABP to remain more in tune with the needs of its members.


                  I think you will find that the ABP Zone meetings have speakers on topics that are of current interest to producers and likely will not be as focused on BSE related issues.


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