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China to open Border and Trade

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    China to open Border and Trade

    Caught the end of a story tonight from BC on the TV. They were talking about the Chinese being involved with a new packing plant in the Peace area.

    does anybody know if this was a recent news article? The show was called "week in Review", but there was also a story that was from the summer.

    Couple of interesting comments though. One Chinese delegate said that Canada would be the top North American exporter to China and there was a Canadian official involved with the plant that said "fair prices would be paid, unlike the Multi's who are stealing"

    Listen murgen, you feed us info like this from eastern Canada about a story in B.C. Come on, us Albertan's are supposed to know everything,,,, what'supppp.

    No more details hey. Makes sense to me. We could all sell our chicken and pig and dairy cow ranches, all switch to raising cows, and we still couldn't supply McDonalds in China for a week.


      Actually, there was a trade delegation of very interested Chinese investors/buyers of the beef from the proposed Peace Tender Beef plant at Dawson Creek city hall this week.

      Watched it on the local Dawson Creek news on Friday. Mustn't have rated a high enough interest story to be picked up for the national media news feed.

      Take care.


        Thanks Annie, it was very interesting and it looked like they are only interested in doing most of their trade with Canada. Thanks for confirming that it was a recent show. Was there any mention if China would have to wait for movement from Japan?


          Randy, you're right. Japan trade would be great, but China is going to be huge in the next decade. Change of subject, but do you have a copy of your sale video you can send along with the catalog? thanks


            No information on Japan was mentioned. Sounded like they were independant and forward thinkers.

            If I remember correctly, they were liasoned by a group from Vancouver that specialises in helping connect investors from China with industries/opportunities in Canada.

            It was a brief news story. I'll see if I can find any more mention of the story in the local newspaper this week.

            Any interested parties in this story would be advised to contact Dawson Creek City Hall at (250) 784-3600 for more information or Peace Country Tender Beef Co-op Neil Peacock (no idea what his phone number is).


              Ha! After searching with Google for half an hour, finally found the Peace Country Tender Beef's website.

              Might have contact info on there if interested in the aforementioned news story.


              Take care.


                The local news just reran the story. The group of Chinese investors were facilitated by a Vancouver organization called "Success".

                Possible link:

                Take care. Off to check the girls.


                  You should send that story down to the Billings Gazette! Or maybe the R-CALF Newsletter! Might get their minds churning and they might actually start to think about where they are going in the big world of trade instead of worrying about a few loads of Canadian cattle at the local packing plant?


                    It's too late for R-calf to change course now! News like this will have more impact with them if it was a "sudden" surprise. Ground won't be broke until spring, maybe the deal will be done in time to wrap it in a bow and present it to R-calf Dec 23, just in time for Christmas.


                      hopefully this is more than some chinese entrepreneur trying to scare up a deal and some capital (like government grants; remember asia pacific). it would be nice to get access to china but why don't our governments and cattle organizations get on the wagon and make this work from our end. if we make this deal solely on the chinese terms it won't be as good as it should be.


                        Surely not? I think interested buyers/investors dealing with the company is the way to go. Involve Government and cattle associations and you might get a worse deal - like find out the deal isn't workable but three weeks later find an American packer corporation has struck a deal with the Chinese instead. If we are doing this for producers we've got to do it for ourselves.


                          It's just nice to see some enthusiasm and the possibility of opening some new markets that will allow us to not have to rely on one market, like we have in the past.


                            Makin a tape for you right now murgen!


                              Thanks Randy, going to look at bulls this weekend, would you be able to send it express or something, so this buddy and I could watch it before he buys something else. I'll buy you a couple wobbly pops when I come out this summer.


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