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Milk Prices

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    Milk Prices

    I realize this should be in dairy but there doesn't seem to be any posters there.

    Went grocery shopping yesterday and discovered that milk has jumped 40 some odd cents in less than a week to 4.49 for 4-litres of 2%, what's up with that and how much are dairy farmers getting of this raise in price? Any one care to comment?

    this price increase was approved by the regulators and it's going back to the dairy farmers to compensate for reduced revenues for cull cattle. life should be so good!!! a couple of lengthy op-ed pieces about it in the national post this week.


      Dairy farmers are getting 5 cents a litre. And of course, everybody else has to complain about dairy farmers getting paid by consumers rather than by taxpayers.


        I'm going to bite - how are dairy farmers paid by taxpayers?


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