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The best laid plans...

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    The best laid plans...

    Was all ready to go to Phuket, Thailand, on January 15 for a month. My nephew owned a bar and restaurant near the beach...all gone now. His house is still standing and he is okay but he lost some employees. Talked to him yesterday and I guess it is really not very pretty over there.
    I will be trying to cancel our flights today and hopefully get my money back.
    The point here is a person can have all sorts of plans or dreams and they can be changed in an instance whether we like it or not. I believe a person needs the attitude "Eat drink and be merry, for tommorrow we die"? For so many, a tropical paradise turned into a living hell in a matter of seconds.

    What is happening half a world away is tragic, which is really an understatement because there are no words to describe it.

    So often we live our lives based on "what might happen" or what we expect should happen for us, both of which stop us from living in the moment. We spend so much of our lives chasing that elusive "something" that we overlook the gifts that are in front of us each and every day.

    Things can, and often do, change in an instant and many times it is out of our control as in this latest catastrophe. The key is in our ability to be able to cope with the changes daily living brings to us. The support of family and friends helps a lot in that regard. For so many families over there it must be hard to know where to begin to pick up the pieces.

    I hope your nephew is okay and can find a way to rebuild and I hope you can get a refund or at least a credit on your tickets, cowman.


      I don't know if you know the source of your quote?

      "Eat drink and be merry, for tommorrow we die"?

      He went to hell, and that's more tragic than death itself.

      We have an option, and better yet it's FREE.

      It's called "HOPE" and as a noun was created from before the world began.

      A promise you can count on.

      Pull your old dusty Bible of the shelf and find Titus ch. 1 vrs. 1 & 2. Page 1220 in mine. :-)


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