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Big C Camrose and Olds

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    Big C Camrose and Olds

    Things are really rolling now. Two great meetings with less resistance and more great ideas.
    More and more ABP reps are understanding the concept of allowing for testing; not testing all slaughtered animals. All except David Andrews,past president of the CCA, who wrote another uninformed article in the western producer. ABP even set up a commitee to investigate mandatory testing for potential markets.

    It sounds like the next roadblock to overcome is the CFIA. We beleive that it is not even in their mandate to limit testing, but rather to simply protect the health of Canadians concerning food safety. Testing beef for BSE should therefore be none of their business. Focus will be on the new government to look into the workings of the CFIA, and to personally present the CFIA with some understanding of the scope of this situation.

    Somewhat hard to hold back some of the more radical notions coming out of these meeting, what with all the personal suffering and emotion, however we are feeling a small glimmer of hope, albeit (and I agree rsomer) longer term hope, when the meetings end.

    The best chance we have of any short term solution with this testing approach is to make enough noise that the American throw us another scrap in the way of more product or some live cattle heading south.

    The gang is off to Prince Albert and Saskatoon, followed by Medicine Hat and Swift Current. I will put the dates and times up later today when our newly appointed Executive Assistant emails them to me. I think it will be nice WHEN the ABP jumps on board with this and helps us out. IT WILL HAPPEN. They have the administration and financial backing to speed things up etc. etc.

    Should be a website up and running within days for BIG C. Will post the site as soon as I hear.

    Basically no opposition from anyone who has no need to be defensive of past decisions. I applaud everyone on Agri-ville for their hard work and dedication to finding solutions to the mess.

    Randy Kaiser
    (403) 946 - 0228

    Brian Evans, head vet at CFIA stayed and listened to all the speakers at the Walk for Beef rally in Winnipeg. They all talked about the need to test if customers requested, and got rousing support from the crowd when they did.

    Don't worry, the CFIA knows what the producers want on this subject.

    The politicians are the next on the list to be convinced.

    I think the Manitoba provincial government will be open to the idea. They are taking submissions from producers right now on their website, looking for ideas to get ourselves out of this mess.

    BSE task force submission page.


    Send a comment.


      Good stuff Kato. If I forget, please remind me to link that site to the new BIG C Web site.

      Meeting Dates and places as follows:

      June 29 Prince Albert
      June 30 Saskatoon
      July 4 Medicine Hat
      July 5 Swift Current
      July 7 Ponoka

      All meetings planned for 7:00 p.m.
      Listen to local radio, or watch for local ads for location of meetings.


        What is the URL for the new website when it comes on line?


          The word is getting out...Just recieved a weekly update from a cattle feeder newsletter published in Texas.The headline read...
          Canadian Cattlemen Push For Manditory BSE Testing
          The article went on to mention BIG C and how Canadian producers are becoming increasingly desparate after government inaction on BSE


            Good stuff smokey. Any way you could get me access to that article? Adress, phone # etc?


              As my Dad always says .... the squeaky wheel gets the grease.


                Smokey that's the best news I've heard in a while. Thrills me to pieces that our voice has made it all the way to Texas, let's keep it up guys!


                  Can somebody post the time and location for the Saskatoon meeting.


                    June 30 Saskatoon Auction Mart 7:00 P.M.


                      Who says that if you make some noise, no one will listen?

                      We are being watched very carefully in Australia. I think cattle producers there identify with our problems, and know they could some day have the same troubles.

                      cut and paste this into your browser. It's an Australian site with a whole page of BSE/Canada news, including BIG-C.

                      www.rangeland.com.au/frame.asp?URL=%2FClientSide%2Fnewsitem%2Easp&ARGS= iNewsID%3D5665%26sBack%3Dnewsindex%2Easp

                      Sometimes we think we're all alone, but you know what? We're not.


                        Great research kato, isn't it amazing that you see atricles like that on the other side of the world ... and they really don't get any more than lip service in our own country. Keeping aware of what other producing nations are thinking and doing is most certainly a piece of the puzzle of finding solutions. Thanks again


                          Just got back fropm attending Big C meeting in Saskatoon-I'm going to try and organize one up in Meadow Lake where there are quite a few more cows. So far the basic premise seems pretty sound to me- I don't think will progrees by bashing other producer groups more by projecting they're alternative in a positive way. Was very interesting that Cam and Grant feel Saskatchewan would be best place to build the big plant-refreshing attitude for Albertans LOL.


                            Sort of a shocking attitude for us "stuck up" Albertans isn't it??? but I'm with Cam and Grant (must be an "Alberta" thing!!!) The further away from these **** artist American plants in Alberta and the more central to all of Canadas cattle populations we can get it the better! The best place for sure is central Saskatchewan, I think Manitoba could use a new kill facility pretty bad and all us Albertans who are sick of Cargill and Lakeside I think would be too happy to drive a few miles if there was even an option, and this is a great option!... new plant... let's go! Lots of cattle in Meadow Lake? maybe LLoyd is the spot? I'm just so happy the excitement is spreading, they just can't say no if we keep it up! Glad to hear of your involvement in maybe organizing a meeting in Meadow Lake cswilson, the more people hear about BIG C and get involved the more likely and quickly we can break ground on the new plant(s) maybe with labs built right in! This is us solving our own problem, with dignity, and our way! Just has to make everyone feel good!


                              Just had to poke some fun at my western neighbors.


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