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Skunk in my barn

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    Skunk in my barn

    Not exactly a hot topic but the little booger scared the bejesus out of me last night and continues to reign terror tonight.

    Any ideas on how to rid my barn of this menacing little sweetheart?

    burn the barn


      If you've got a registered gun that might be one method to consider. Depending on where you are - is there a way for you to get a live trap from an animal by-law person or spca or something like that? Of course, with the live trap you'll have to make sure you don't start smelling like the little sweetheart.

      We get skunks around here all the time - with the chickens and their eggs I'm afraid that we are a major drawing card. It seems like we no sooner get rid of one than another moves in. I guess one option for us would be to get rid of the chickens, but those fresh eggs are just to important to my spouse. We can't use the live traps because we have a Jack Russell and I'm afraid we'd be pulling her out of the trap more than we'd ever get the skunk.

      Good luck on your dilemma.


        Try mothballs


          Ask rsomer he'll start a govt. committee to study the problem, :-)


            rpkaiser: I found a web site with good information at:

            rusty1...I don't know where that comment comes from but in any event it is uncalled for. If you take exception to a comment I have made it would be better to make that comment in the appropriate thread so I can reply directly.


              rsomer lighten up - life's to short, that's what the :-) is all about, smile takes less muscles.


                Put an old radio in the barn, and tune it into your favourite "head-banging" station, leave it on for a couple of nights and guarantee "ole smelly" is gone.


                  Sounds like it might be a plan angus, but tell me, do you then start to have problems with rebellious chickens?

                  Never really thought of trying a radio at night. The little devil is determined to get those eggs though. The only reason he is still here is that he doesn't really seem to bother anything else and if we got rid of him, another would just move in. The lesser of two evils I guess.


                    Thanks for all the help guys. I now have a whole bunch of experiments except for the following;;;

                    jensend - I only live 1/4 mile from town, and 1/2 mile from the fire hall. Pretty good chance they'd have the fire out before I had skunkster.

                    cakadu - no my old .22 is not registered, and I'll be damned if I am going to help the government pay off their 2 billion for one little skunk.
                    Besides that, wouldn't you have to hit him just right so as to not have the fragrance in the barn for the rest of the border closure issue.

                    cswilson - haven't tried the moth balls yet, but thanks for the tip. I didn't know if you were talking to me yet after our little fire icon on an earlier thread.

                    I think I will avoid rusty's advice so as not to start a fire icon on this thread with rsomer.

                    rsomer - great site. I got a bit concerned when I read about the human urine theory. Couldn't really picture myself having to run like I did the other night with my #%%&^% hangin out.

                    angus - that radio theory sounds great. I actually love rock and roll music --- however --- the last time my wife came out to help me with a calving heifer, I must have said a bit too much, as she threw the radio at me and it no longer plays country or rock and roll.

                    Thanks again everyone.


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