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    Pandianna: I don't know about you but I'm getting awful sick of feeding cows 7 months of the year! My son tells me its going to be swath grazing next year and I'm coming around to his way of thinking!
    I mentioned once how this neighbor was grazing his cows out on corn. Well they are still out there and are fat as seals! They are blacks and black baldies.
    And then here I am, out freezing my butt hauling out feed everyday(-34 this AM)! It seems I have to fill up the tractor every week and it must take about 40 gallons! Sure would be nice to just drive out in a toasty pickup and check them instead of trying to get those damned twines off the bales!
    I sometimes think laziness is a good thing! It makes you think of easier ways of doing things! Luckily I've been blessed with that trait!


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