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Cows into cement!

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    Cows into cement!

    I read that the Alberta government is going to use cows to make cement! I have to wonder how much this little idea is going to cost the Alberta government? I very much doubt this is going to be a freebie?
    Instead of paying Lafarge to cook her they could pay me to shoot her and support the local coyote population?
    Oh well there goes our energy rebate!!!

    You've got to be kidding!!!!!!!!! Old Ralph is drinking some real bad booze this time. That cement company is going to finance his next reelection campaign I would bet. Dam why am I always so cynical!!!!


      Well Carebear they claim that these cows are just dandy little sources of energy! Why we might even run the tar sands out of business! Don't worry about the border, we'll just take on the oil and gas industry!
      And Carebear don't you know Ralph is a born again tea totaller? Actually when he was stumbling around in a fog abusing the bums up in Edmonton I think he did a better job! Sort of didn't give a rip and let Alberta just roll a long without a lot of meddling! Maybe we need a lot more drunks in government?
      Furthermore Carebear, by your post about grabbing guns like in Afganistan, I see you must be a good little Canadian and registered your guns? So did I, but it is quite a nuisance! All my old rebel neighbors keep asking me to buy them ammo, because they didn't see the wisdom of this law! It's tough being a law abiding citizen in a neighborhood of outlaws! But it is good to know that I'm not the only person in western Canada who was enlightened enough to see how beneficial gun control was?


        The cows into cement thing isn't new. I haven't seen an article on Ralph's plan but from what I have been told they have been doing it in the U.K. for a few years now.

        I still think some are a little hard on Ralph. At least Alberta is trying to come up with a plan of some type. If they can't be used in traditional ways; generating energy, cement or whatever means of adding value has to be better than rendering and dumping in the landfill.


          Bruce 14: I guess Lafarge has a regular little goldmine in Europe. I doubt anyone makes any money at it but Lafarge, but that is okay. In this world the bottom line is not the most important thing! Looking good is!
          Here's how it really is...I have about four or five cows that really need to go. Out of a one hundred cow herd. Now I can baby them through another calf but the problem will only get worse next year! If the government was to pay me, oh say $650/cow I would take them out and shoot them and my local coyotes would clean up all the mess by next spring and things would be just peachy!
          Instead my government will pay me say $550(after all we can't let those damn farmers get any money) and then turn around and pay Lafarge $1000 to burn her! Not very good value for the taxpayers buck but it looks good???
          A big fat cow burns real good once you've got her going but have you ever tried to burn a skinny old sick one? Better cut a lot of wood!
          So the bottom line is this. Do the ugly thing and it costs less. Dress it up as "cement" and it costs twice as much!


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