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Been thinking.......

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    Been thinking.......

    So now we have a dollar that's 78 cents and slipping, a barrel of oil is half what it was in the spring, and the price of feed has dropped significantly. Three good bits of news in one week is almost too much to absorb, especially after five years of one bad news story after another.

    I find it ironic that for the past five years the world has been on a roll, the sky's the limit, everyone's getting rich, everywhere except in the Canadian livestock industry. And now that the world economy is in a shambles, we get good news. How weird is that?

    I wonder if these bits of good news will translate into a glimmer of hope for us, or if some other bad news story will come and slap us upside the head?

    Since BSE, it's like we've been living on a different planet than everyone else. And it doesn't seem like that's changing. Except now, maybe just maybe we'll be on a better track? For a change?

    Sure would be nice............

    Maybe now with big business, and big banks feeling the hurt like cattle people have been, maybe there MIGHT be a little more understanding out there. Not likely, but heres hoping anyway.

    Best of luck everyone


      kato...my city cousins say us ranchers never have lived in the real world...maybe thats a good thing...sold the tail end of my grass strs this week...50 dollars more a head than they were last week...some times it feels good to be lucky


        Hey Blackjack how do your prices this week compare to August's though? I never understand why guys don't sell their yearlings earlier. I shipped heifers in August and got .9675 and .9475 for them. I watched similar quality yearling heifers make in the low to mid 80's this week and the steers make in the 90's. Can you somehow put enough weight on them between August and October to make up for this price slide?


          i agree grassfarmer on the august market is usually the best year in to year out...most of our yearling strs went in aug and early sept and the spread there was already 5 cents...thats why i felt lucky on these late born ones...did you see the fats moving 5 cents this week...like kato said the signs are there for the market to improve...so this weeks gains in the market was nice to see...


            At the very least, a cheap dollar should at least take the sting out of the present drop in the market which is going on down south. Once everyone thinks it's bottomed out, then we'll see how things will work out. Right now, it's anyone's guess.


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