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Looking for a family run farm

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    Looking for a family run farm

    Hi everyone, I hope it's OK to post here- I'm sure there must be someone who would be interested in this opportunity!

    My name is Kate and I’m with a TV production company in NYC that is currently developing a new show based around sisters who are either starting a small ranch or farm together, currently running one or are taking over a family farm or ranch!

    This will be an uplifting show that highlights small businesses,the importance of agriculture, the bond of sisterhood, and women empowerment, so please share with your friends and family! For more info please feel free to reach out, and anyone interested in applying you can do so by following the instructions on the flyer which I have attached. Thanks so much! Click image for larger version

Name:	FarmingSistersTVFlyer .jpg
Views:	1
Size:	34.9 KB
ID:	777456
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