Ya fall to bits eh after 60.
Had ganglion and its now coming up for 6th procedure in 13 months hopefully fixed this time.
Scaphoidectomy 4corner fusion volar ganglion excision are my next wrist fixes.
A scaphoidectomy and four-corner fusion (4CF) is a surgical procedure that removes the scaphoid bone and fuses the other carpal bones together to treat wrist pain and instability. Few screws and loctite be good to go.
I kid you not I’ve had a broken wrist since 2016 wondered why it was annoying
tis what’s lead to ganglion issue.​
Surgeon said you've got a broken wrist
Remember the break was lifting a tractor on rim on back of ute/pick up, rolled it on a block so it was higher to get balance point then two of us lifted it back in 16.
Lifting lifting was balanced quite right rather heavy sons going lift lift ya ***** then something snapped in wrist said ive broken me wrist son of course keep effffing lifting got it on. Son drink cement and harden up. Swelling went down in two days annoying pain thought ligament stretched. been annoying ever since ganglion formed about two months after put up with it till jan 24.
Live and learn. Ah private health cover to rescue getting it done in 10 days time
Had ganglion and its now coming up for 6th procedure in 13 months hopefully fixed this time.
Scaphoidectomy 4corner fusion volar ganglion excision are my next wrist fixes.
A scaphoidectomy and four-corner fusion (4CF) is a surgical procedure that removes the scaphoid bone and fuses the other carpal bones together to treat wrist pain and instability. Few screws and loctite be good to go.
I kid you not I’ve had a broken wrist since 2016 wondered why it was annoying

Surgeon said you've got a broken wrist
Remember the break was lifting a tractor on rim on back of ute/pick up, rolled it on a block so it was higher to get balance point then two of us lifted it back in 16.
Lifting lifting was balanced quite right rather heavy sons going lift lift ya ***** then something snapped in wrist said ive broken me wrist son of course keep effffing lifting got it on. Son drink cement and harden up. Swelling went down in two days annoying pain thought ligament stretched. been annoying ever since ganglion formed about two months after put up with it till jan 24.
Live and learn. Ah private health cover to rescue getting it done in 10 days time