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Combine damage

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  • grassfarmer
    Here I guess it's hunting season already. Electric fences driven through, fence posts broken off at the ground. Assholes driving down tracks and across property they have no business being on.

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  • the big wheel
    Really sad there are those type of people.
    Good point was made there really should
    Be a better mechanism on these machines even for legitimate rocks and deer horns etc. Shouldn't really be that hard to do either.

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  • Klause
    Thankfully never been a problem around here. Help a buddy by Saskatoon. One found a couple rocks sitting on Solo cups in a pea field. Thankfully saw it before it went through combine... We figured it was neighbour kids who wanted to see fireworks and thought it would be funny... They set a bale on fire last fall because they wanted a bonfire... In the field...

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  • farmaholic
    The worst kind of neighbor..... the "schadenfreude" type and those who can't stand someone else's success.

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  • fjlip
    Originally posted by Goodtime View Post
    I can honestly say no to all...the wife beating psycho that likely did it has mental issues.
    Yes , we had one across the fence, just hated people for any reason he could come up with. Dad often said watch for junk in swaths.

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  • sofa.king
    Some people are just a__holes.

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  • sumdumguy
    So sick! Maybe a jilted lover?

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  • blackpowder
    Combines are so expensive already. But I've wondered why we cant have foreign object detection like silage cutters.

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    every area has one!

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  • Goodtime
    I can honestly say no to all...the wife beating psycho that likely did it has mental issues.

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  • farmaholic
    Causes.... buying land out from someone else, offering a landlord more money for land someone else is renting, spray drift, draining water, "coveting" thy neighbor's wife(lol).... The list might be endless but nothing would probably justify it.

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  • Goodtime
    Happened last night. I work full time as well so am not even seen by my neighbors to piss them off because I am usually so busy. I have a good idea who it is....this also happened to another neighbor a couple of weeks ago.

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  • farmaholic
    Seriously? This actually happen to you? If it did I bet you have a pretty good idea of who did it.

    Edit: but then there's always one guy in every district who isn't liked very much who would have a hard time figuring it out.

    I've heard of this thing before, but never done around here.

    Can you imagine if the feud escalated to the point IEDs (improvised explosive devices) were used. The new Wild West.
    Last edited by farmaholic; Sep 26, 2017, 06:18.

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  • Goodtime
    started a topic Combine damage

    Combine damage

    What does a person get out of putting cultivator shovels in a swath.....do they really get satisfaction when going home and thinking about what they did? Un****ing real.
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