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Rats leaving sinking Ship!

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    Television screen on election night, Trudeau losing in his own riding and CTV projecting a Conservative Majority.
    It would be a nice evening.


      Andrew Scheer has a great tweet - I'm paraphrasing but I'm close:

      Breaking news. PM rejects overwhelming caucus recommendation for Cabinet shuffle - says he will stay on.


        High time for a non conference vote and get this gang of clowns out


          See McAulley is ag minister again. He’s better than Bobo and maybe it’s a strategic move to shore up some support in the rural areas of eastern Canada where liberals hold seats. Still think Trudeau is going to jump ship due to unforeseen circumstances and leave Freeland at the helm to hit the iceberg.


            At this point, is Trudeau an asset or a liability to the party? Are the remaining blind followers loyal to Trudeau or loyal to the liberal brand regardless of who is at the helm?


              Momentum is everything in politics. When the electorate starts to smell blood it is not necessarily they always come to hate someone in power but they realize their time has come. Simply not showing up to vote or voting for the one who looks to be the potential winner. Human nature and group think is a funny animal. The old adage is Canadians don’t elect governments they vote them out. Going forward I think the sentiment out there from middle road folks who could vote either liberal or conservative will trend towards the conservatives because though they are probably liberal at heart feel a vote for liberals will only prolong the marriage in hell between Trudeau and Singh which is eating into the middle road aspect of the Liberal party. Doesn’t also help the leader is a sanctimonious idiot with a blank cheque book.

              I have more theories about how things progress but save that for myself as politics is a fickle thing.


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