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China, is enabling Putin…

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    The Telegraph
    Russian state television goes off message by denouncing Ukraine war
    James Kilner
    Thu, March 10, 2022, 2:42 PM
    Russia 1 is usually a reliable source of propaganda, but guests on one of its most popular shows spoke out against the invasion of Ukraine - Russian Defense Ministry Press Service
    Russia 1 is usually a reliable source of propaganda, but guests on one of its most popular shows spoke out against the invasion of Ukraine - Russian Defense Ministry Press Service
    Russian state television has broadcast calls for Vladimir Putin, the country’s president, to stop his war in Ukraine during a programme in which pundits openly likened the invasion to "Afghanistan, but even worse".

    Vladimir Soloviyev, usually one of the Kremlin's most reliable chief propagandists, had to interrupt guests on his prime time television talk show to stop their criticism of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

    Speaking during a broadcast on Russia 1, Karen Shakhnazarov, a filmmaker and state pundit, said the conflict in Ukraine risked isolating Russia.

    He told Mr Soloviyev: “I have a hard time imagining taking cities such as Kyiv. I can’t imagine how that would look.”

    He went on to call for the conflict to be brought to an end, saying: “If this picture starts to transform into an absolute humanitarian disaster, even our close allies like China and India will be forced to distance themselves from us.

    “This public opinion, with which they’re saturating the entire world, can play out badly for us ... Ending this operation will stabilise things within the country.”

    Later during the broadcast of An Evening with Vladimir Soloviyev, one of Russian television's most-watched programmes, guest Semyon Bagdasarov, an academic, said: "Do we need to get into another Afghanistan, but even worse?”

    Is this fake news???

    Russian state television has broadcast calls for Vladimir Putin, the country’s president, to stop his war in Ukraine during a programme in which pundits openly likened the invasion to "Afghanistan, but even worse".


      MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEVThere is a notable mood shift in Russia, as darkness sets over its economy and the invasion of Ukraine hits major problems. While the beginning of President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale war against Ukraine was greeted with cheers, clapping, and demands of Champagne in the studio, the reality sobered up even the most pro-Kremlin pundits and experts on Russian state television.The ugly truth about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is slipping through the cracks, despite the government’

      Doesn't look like fake news...

      The Daily Beast
      Even Russian State TV Is Pleading With Putin to Stop the War

      Julia Davis
      Thu, March 10, 2022, 9:05 AM

      There is a notable mood shift in Russia, as darkness sets over its economy and the invasion of Ukraine hits major problems. While the beginning of President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale war against Ukraine was greeted with cheers, clapping, and demands of Champagne in the studio, the reality sobered up even the most pro-Kremlin pundits and experts on Russian state television.

      The ugly truth about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is slipping through the cracks, despite the government’s authoritarian attempts to control the narrative.

      The Kremlin-controlled state media is doing its best to flip the situation upside down, blaming the victims of Russia’s aggression for all of the casualties. On Wednesday’s edition of the state TV show The Evening With Vladimir Soloviev, the host claimed the fallout of Russia’s bombing of a maternity hospital this week was “fake” with no one there to be injured, despite photos of pregnant women being carried away from the blast that killed at least one child. A guest on 60 Minutes last Saturday even claimed Ukrainians “are firing on each other and blaming us.”

      On Thursday, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov claimed that Russia never attacked Ukraine and repeated the same lies as Soloviev about the total absence of patients in the maternity ward and children’s hospital bombed by Russia.

      Putin’s most trusted propagandists are becoming ever more desperate to distort or deny the evidence of the atrocities because the truth is finding its way past the roadblocks erected by the Kremlin. Russian citizens are not pleased either with the war, nor with the financial price they have to pay for their leader’s ill-conceived military conquests.

      Even the infamous show run by Soloviev—who was recently sanctioned as an accomplice of Putin by the European Union—became dominated by predictions of Russian doom and gloom. Andrey Sidorov, deputy dean of world politics at Moscow State University, cautioned: “For our country, this period won’t be easy. It will be very difficult. It might be even more difficult than it was for the Soviet Union from 1945 until the 1960s... We’re more integrated into the global economy than the Soviet Union, we’re more dependent on imports—and the main part is that the Cold War is the war of the minds, first and foremost. Unfortunately, the Soviet Union had a consolidating idea on which its system was built. Unlike the Soviet Union, Russia has nothing like that to offer.”

      State TV pundit Karen Shakhnazarov pointed out: “The war in Ukraine paints a frightening picture, it has a very oppressive influence on our society. Ukraine, whichever way you see it, is something with which Russia has thousands of human links. The suffering of one group of innocents does not compensate for the suffering of other innocent people... I don’t see the probability of denazification of such an enormous country. We would need to bring in 1.5 million soldiers to control all of it. At the same time, I don’t see any political power that would consolidate the Ukrainian society in a pro-Russian direction... Those who talked of their mass attraction to Russia obviously didn’t see things the way they are. The most important thing in this scenario is to stop our military action. Others will say that sanctions will remain. Yes, they will remain, but in my opinion discontinuing the active phase of a military operation is very important.”...

      China can't be smiling any more....


        Originally posted by Robertbarlage View Post
        He still wants UN seat he probably thinks this will help. But from what I watch no one likes him at all in Europe!!
        Uncle Klaus will get him a backbench spot on the WEF .... hopefully just cleaning toilets 🚽


          If we do not want Russia eternally threatening its neighbours with war, and the rest of the world with its nuclear arsenal, then we have to stop Vladimir Putin at the earliest opportunity

          The Independent
          Voices: Has Biden’s rejection of MiG-29 fighter jets lost the war against Russia?
          Sean O'Grady
          Wed, March 9, 2022, 4:49 AM

          Is this the moment when Joe Biden lost the war against Russia? The moment when Poland’s MiG-29 fighter jets, delivered indirectly via the US to gallant Ukraine, could have made the vital though marginal difference between peace and war, between subjugation and freedom in Ukraine?

          It is a depressing thought that such a golden opportunity is being tossed away because… well, because it might upset the Russians and cause a third world war? But it wouldn’t, because the Russians know they’d lose, and for that reason a third world war wouldn’t happen.

          It is the seemingly forgotten doctrine of collective security and nuclear deterrence that has kept the west safe since the end of the Second World War. President Biden, a dedicated Atlanticist, seems to have mislaid his old Cold War instincts.

          If we do not want Russia eternally threatening its neighbours with war, and the rest of the world (and the planet itself) with its nuclear arsenal, then we have to stop Vladimir Putin at the earliest opportunity. We cannot just say “you can have Ukraine, but not another inch” – because he knows we don’t mean it.

          If America won’t lead the west in this resistance, and fight for Ukraine, why would they fight for Estonia, Poland… or Germany even? The answer that they are all Nato members means nothing if the calculus is that America doesn’t wish to be involved in foreign wars and has turned isolationist. If Putin miscalculates, and America really is willing to fight for Poland, then we will end up with a third world war anyway."


            Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
            China is not enabling Russia, it is playing Russia. China badly needs energy, resources, and land to feed and house its people and fuel its industries; all of which Russia has plenty of. But instead of waging a bloody war over Russia, China simply stroked Putin's ego and quest of power and subconsciously convinced him to annex the old Soviet lands China knew full well that Russia does not have the military might to capture and control Ukraine long term, much less other Soviet block countries. Furthermore, Chinese leaders and military planners would have foresaw the western response of economic isolation of Russia globally. All China had to do was align with Russia economically in trade and finance and they would own Russian after the Ukraine takeover fails.

            The only winner in this war will be China. Russians will not speak Chinese in the near future, but their country and economy is sure to be controlled by China and the puppet regime that will replace Putin.

            And there is nothing the west can do to prevent this now or in the future. China used misdirection on the west as well, leading the west to believe China's goal was a Taiwan takeover when in fact the real prize China was after was much bigger. And now the west will be too busy and preoccupied with rebuilding Ukraine to even realize that China won the war.

            As China has done for thousands of years, they have quietly played the long game while everyone else only sees the immediate.
            Wow. Very plausible. Give them enough rope like Pakistan or how many other African nations. Still though aside from pipelines for energy, any overland route for grains from major commodity producing areas is not practical vs Black Sea shipping. Across the urals in Asian Russia how productive are those areas closer to China? Not huge producers nor in highly productive areas there is lots of arable ground for soybeans.
            Here’s a website which explains what I am talking about. https://ipad.fas.usda.gov/rssiws/al/rs_cropprod.aspx


              Nice map... you can see why Putin wants Ukraine farmland......

              Crop forecasting, crop production, crop yield, crop area, commodity, drought, precipitation, temperature, soil moisture, crop stage, crop model, percent soil moisture, surface moisture, subsurface moisture, corn, wheat, spring wheat, Satellite Radar Altimetry, Global Reservoir, Lake Elevation Database

              PS, I just put the internet address in the video film spot on the above control panel if you have a lap or desk top computer... that doesn't appear on my dumb phone....
              Last edited by TOM4CWB; Mar 10, 2022, 19:20.


                Don't kid yourself for a minute, the USA and other countries are getting weapons into Ukraine.

                Do you think their going to put it on Social media platforms for you to read, or press releases for the networks.

                What about mercenaries, you don't think their not in Ukraine. Plenty of money coming in from numerous countries to Ukraine for hiring mercenaries.

                The Russians will never win this war, their soldiers are no match for the Ukrainians who have been training for this for eight years now. Not to mention the Ukrainians are fighting for their country, where as the Russians don't know what they are fighting for.

                Yes the West made a huge mistake by not putting thousands of soldiers and artillery on the borders of neighboring countries before Putin's invasion, unfortunately that ship has sailed.

                Just awful to see hospitals, homes, and building being bomb to shit and two million refugees. When you see babies and children crying it's hard to take. But, Putin found out in a hurry his army can't win this war and are no match for the Ukrainian army, so bombing is his only hope for a victory which he will never get.

                I wish the West would enforce a no fly zone over Ukraine. Maybe it will come.

                As usual great post DML
                Last edited by foragefarmer; Mar 10, 2022, 20:35.


                  Originally posted by WiltonRanch View Post
                  Wow. Very plausible. Give them enough rope like Pakistan or how many other African nations. Still though aside from pipelines for energy, any overland route for grains from major commodity producing areas is not practical vs Black Sea shipping. Across the urals in Asian Russia how productive are those areas closer to China? Not huge producers nor in highly productive areas there is lots of arable ground for soybeans.
                  Here’s a website which explains what I am talking about. https://ipad.fas.usda.gov/rssiws/al/rs_cropprod.aspx
                  Wilton, Take a look at any map for the "belt and road" initiative that China has been working on for years. It goes right through the center of Ukraine! I have no doubt China has been preparing for this very scenario for years.

                  This is the same model many BTO farm operations use to grow bigger right here at home. Cozy up to a young farmer, or one ready to retire, or someone who is facing difficulties and offer to help them out. Encourage them, lend them equipment, help them out in farm operations, give them hope and quietly extend them help that they can never repay, and then when a disaster happens, who is first in line to pick up the pieces, the BTO. Same thought process is used for farm expansion and that China is using to win over Russia, that China has used for thousands of years. While western society focuses on the present, China is focused on the future.
                  Last edited by dmlfarmer; Mar 10, 2022, 19:54.


                    Western societies have been been focused on the woke climate activism , how much big Pharma can make off covid and what toilets to use while Russia planning this invasion and China looking farther out than everyone ... you all right .


                      Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                      Western societies have been been focused on the woke climate activism , how much big Pharma can make off covid and what toilets to use while Russia planning this invasion and China looking farther out than everyone ... you all right .
                      The focus of western societies is ME. The focus in China is WE. There is a huge difference and WE is much more powerful than the MEs. Most posters here are more concerned with getting rid of Trudeau than looking at the global picture. Just look at the number of posts on this site still focused on bad Trudeau or the freedom convoy when real freedoms for 50 million people has disappeared. Majority of western society no longer cares about others unless there is a benefit to themselves. And heaven forbid if there could be a personal cost to policy that helps the majority - thats grounds for overthrowing the government. ie: High oil prices are great for oil companies, Alberta, and if you are a shareholder in oil stocks, otherwise the sentiment is fuel costs are killing this country and it must be Trudeaus fault!
                      Last edited by dmlfarmer; Mar 10, 2022, 20:07.


                        Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
                        Wilton, Take a look at any map for the "belt and road" initiative that China has been working on for years. It goes right through the center of Ukraine! I have no doubt China has been preparing for this very scenario for years.

                        This is the same model many BTO farm operations use to grow bigger right here at home. Cozy up to a young farmer, or one ready to retire, or someone who is facing difficulties and offer to help them out. Encourage them, lend them equipment, help them out in farm operations, give them hope and quietly extend them help that they can never repay, and then when a disaster happens, who is first in line to pick up the pieces, the BTO. Same thought process is used for farm expansion and that China is using to win over Russia, that China has used for thousands of years. While western society focuses on the present, China is focused on the future.
                        Have you read the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman?
                        It describes exactly what you are referring to.
                        And when I read about the legacy being left in the wake of the belt and road initiative in Africa already, it matches exactly.


                          Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                          Have you read the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman?
                          It describes exactly what you are referring to.
                          And when I read about the legacy being left in the wake of the belt and road initiative in Africa already, it matches exactly.
                          I still see the fly in the ointment is India. They don’t like China cause China is a pain in the ass. China is trying to steal their water by damming off the rivers in the mountains. India was cozy with Russia because they could afford their shitty jets and arms, and Russia hates China. Now this turn of events kind of freezes India out. The west has kind of allied with Pakistan but they’ve sold their soul to China. Naturally alliance structures will change somewhat. Still I wonder about the other elephant here which is an old lion waiting to reassert it’s pre ww1 empire. Turkey.


                            Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                            Have you read the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman?
                            It describes exactly what you are referring to.
                            And when I read about the legacy being left in the wake of the belt and road initiative in Africa already, it matches exactly.
                            The genuine heart aches… are being felt globally… in Russia, North/South /America, Africa, Australia… Philippines…. What reasonable person would not be broken by this catastrophic Ukrainian situation…

                            On Bloomberg just watched Li at press conference;

                            China is ‘aggrieved’… about Ukraine…, but sanctions are just going to hurt the world…


                              What has happened Tom 4 cwb. ?
                              Can I come to your maga hat burning party.
                              I will join in on that one.
                              I was wondering how you would navigate this one .
                              Got to be a lot of Ukrainians around there.
                              What is the plan? Dance around this one and then support Trump in 3 years?
                              Talk about backing the wrong horse.


                                Originally posted by sawfly1 View Post
                                What has happened Tom 4 cwb. ?
                                Can I come to your maga hat burning party.
                                I will join in on that one.
                                I was wondering how you would navigate this one .
                                Got to be a lot of Ukrainians around there.
                                What is the plan? Dance around this one and then support Trump in 3 years?
                                Talk about backing the wrong horse.
                                Your compassion for humanity is difficult to understand.

                                I am not an American… have never voted in the U.S. did not nominate President Trump, and will be very surprised if Trump is the Presidential Nominee in 2024.

                                Your shaded view of my world is puzzling…

                                Live and Learn… Bitter folks are difficult to understand…

                                Hope seeding goes well,

                                Blessings and Prayers for Ukraine


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