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Killing frost last night.

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  • furrowtickler
    Pod shatter varieties will be effected some , but be more concerned about pod drop now if it was on the green side last night . I have seen pod drop be far worse than pod shatter after a long frost like that

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  • beaverdam
    Oh ya, all soybeans in the area still have green pods, and most all of their leaves, although turning colour?
    I have no experience with soybeans and frost, what can I expect?

    Besides small or shriveled seeds, will there be discoloured seeds?

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  • Robertbarlage
    yield booster

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  • ajl
    Frost in the Vegreville area but nothing further west. Official -1 but that means -3 in low lying areas. A few fields will be hurt but most crops that matter are past the frost risk stage. Feed barley and feed wheat, which is all non high protein hrs, will still be feed.

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  • beaverdam
    A lot of canola standing in our area to be straight cut this year. None of it combined yet because of the many pockets and edges, be it drowned out or headlands that are still greenish(just ready for the swather, but weeks away from straight cutting.

    It will be a tough job cutting around all those spots this year, and if you don't, expect to have all your canola down graded do to green count.

    Will this frost affect pod shatter strength?

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  • the big wheel
    Originally posted by caseih View Post
    frost doesn't usually hurt canary in our experience
    There is a certain point where it will and won't at grass green it will. Not to mention all the tillers that take longer will be gone.
    Had a 50 stand years ago yielded 3 bushels with that august frost. Crops here 3 weeks behind.

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  • grefer
    Freezing temps here most of the night. Thermometer still reading minus 0.7 at 7a.m. Most crops are past being hurt but one producer with a bunch of late seeded and reseeded canola will be toast for sure.

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
    From what I saw in green crops the other day and I was really surprised how much there was this is a major major loss to farmers. You re going to have some farmers in pockets wiped out but mainly I think this will be one of those years where your at your crap insurance level but lost all that potential which again will show how useless that program is.
    CAnt hardly wait for the fight on grades now also.

    People will be talking canola and they better now. But crops like canary flax from what I saw big loss in yield.
    frost doesn't usually hurt canary in our experience

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  • jazz
    Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
    People will be talking canola and they better now. But crops like canary flax from what I saw big loss in yield.
    Thats why I seed flax first now. I was either flirting with frost every year or combining in mid oct. Flax will be ready to go in about 3 weeks now.

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  • jazz
    Here south of regina it skated around zero to -2 for a few hrs. There are some guys with greenish canola stands yet waiting for chemical to work. Frost works, one way or another.

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  • the big wheel
    From what I saw in green crops the other day and I was really surprised how much there was this is a major major loss to farmers. You re going to have some farmers in pockets wiped out but mainly I think this will be one of those years where your at your crap insurance level but lost all that potential which again will show how useless that program is.
    CAnt hardly wait for the fight on grades now also.

    People will be talking canola and they better now. But crops like canary flax from what I saw big loss in yield.

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  • the big wheel
    From what I saw in green crops the other day and I was really surprised how much there was this is a major major loss to farmers. You re going to have some farmers in pockets wiped out but mainly I think this will be one of those years where your at your crap insurance level but lost all that potential which again will show how useless that program is.
    CAnt hardly wait for the fight on grades now also.

    People will be talking canola and they better now. But crops like canary flax from what I saw big loss in yield.

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    Those experts look more foolish each day.

    Alberta late crops?

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    same here , checking dryer at 10 last night , was only plus 1 then , garden is flat
    grow 18 officially over .
    we lost some reseeded borage and the dockage takers will have a heyday in seed alfalfa , second cut dehy alfalfa no good I guess either
    millions of acres of canola will be toast this morning
    went from nipawin to P.A. a while ago , canola was three weeks behind
    you're going to have to lower your canola yield forecast for prairies
    oh wait , maybe the experts will tell us it's good for canola , brings it in early

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  • fjlip
    Min reading thermo says -0.3, usually reads 2 degrees high. So how is the standing straight cut canola going to look in two days? Some have NO swather if it will shatter pods. The green second growth can all be graded FROST #3.

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