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Something you probably didn't know about Dauphin MB

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    Something you probably didn't know about Dauphin MB

    <a href="http://www.flattirefilms.net/index#/project-5/"> the Mincome experiment </a>

    Who was funding mincome?


      The Federal Government.
      I read that story last year, it was quite an interesting experiment.



        The scars we still there.

        People in their 70s and 60s speak of a time when they didn't have to work and got paid... they figured best thing on earth...

        Today... high unemployment lots of Natives no industry no jobs and pretty much everyone is depressed.


          Give a person $100 and they will spend $125
          Give the same person $ 25 and they will save $5.


            Good post pretty interesting


              Gotta wonder how guaranteed income could reduce medical costs so much in one small town in such a short time. hmmm.


                I reread the article and it appears that this is just some professor's opinion expanded to relate to Canadian society today. Yep, free money from you and I. That'll work wonders!


                  sounds great where do i sign up? Who's gonna pay for this again? Oh ya, people who work and pay taxes. sounds fair.


                    Scars? Lots of natives? Hahaha. "Scar Tissue." My new theme song.


                      More info here:


                        Not so sure it wouldn't work. the benefits of having enough income to have a decent living are underrated.
                        I'm somewhat familiar with Swizerland, where their citizens are almost guaranteed a decent income. It generally means if you don't heve a job, you get one, it could mean sweeping streets with a broom, but you still get paid $25-30,000 a year. I shudder at OAS at max of $9600 a year in this country(not sure of #), but someone may have worked here all their life and only have OAS to live on, and it is taxable. Meanwhile if your uberrich, you pay less tax. I do believe that a rising tide raises all boats and that Bill Gates or someone with net worth of $126 billion didn't pay enough tax.
                        And yeah, it is almost impossible to become a Swiss citizen unless born into it, which I agree with.


                          One thing you forgot to mention about bill gates etc. is that he gives billions away to charity ( literally )


                            Bill Gates gives billions away, What does the tax system give him back in credits, not sure about US tax structure but I will Gurante for every $ he gives he gets a substantal return.
                            What is it here $100 gave to political party gets you $75 credits. NGOs? 80%?
                            Give anyone billions and they will give millions.


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