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How much input in decision making does your spouse have?

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    How much input in decision making does your spouse have?

    My neighbor has a emotional controlling wife who
    phones my wife when she feels and is shut out.
    Seems he mentioned to her, as he walked out of
    the house that he and his farm partner were
    buying a combine together. Not a happy situation.

    I would say I have 60/40 decision making process
    with my wife. She knows what's going on, what's
    the plan, what the financial/farm priorities are. I
    have bought cattle though when she didn't want
    to. I have also bought a tractor without her
    knowing. The deal with the salesman was it went
    back if the wife thru a fuss.

    The wife knows we're land rich so I try and throw
    a few dollars her way to keep her happy. Ex.
    House renovations and trips she wants. O ya I
    decided to build a new shop when she was in
    Mexico once.

    What you said pretty much sums it up in this household as well.


      Since my wife puts more hours on the combine than I do, she helps make the decision about them. Tells me what she likes and doesn't about them.

      I ask her about tractors but mainly keep her with a new yard tractor and the toys for it. She loves it. Just bought a box sc****r for it and she played for hours.


        Depends if I want to take all the blame.


          My wife takes care of the house. We were just about done harvest when she said "is that a new combine"? Try my best to keep her in the lifestyle she's accustomed to.


            Although having combines with yield monitors doesn't help since she carries a calculator with her. Its a new kitchen kick now.

            Gotta find a way to recalibrate what the monitor says. I do the trucking so I can figure out the yields without the staff knowing.


              I don't mess with her work and she doesn't mess
              with the farm.


                I hope she checks your adding when you are done. HA.


                  Definitely have to have a different balance sheet
                  for the banker and for the wife.

                  How many wives know where all their land is


                    I'll her what to say and get back to you.


                      I'll ask her what I'm supposed to say and get back to you.


                        0-She'd have to hire an agent to find my


                          My wife can find every quarter we farm, and reminds me occasionally of the ones we should be farming.

                          Some of those comments still sting. Missed some great land but times were different.


                            Probably a lot less "experience" with the
                            wifey thing than most of you.... but
                            everything we do is 50/50. If one of us
                            doesn't agree it doesn't get done.


                              None, I'm divorced, small price to pay!!


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