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Why when neighbors sell do they need cash from locals within days but give a foreigner years!

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    Why when neighbors sell do they need cash from locals within days but give a foreigner years!

    Just home and bouncing! Why when a neighbor
    sells do they expect no demand you pay them
    within a month but give a land company years!
    These f&$king land companies. Was told its so
    much this spring on some land we were buying. I
    said we needed a day they said no. It's today then
    payable within the month. First this was
    unexpected last spring. We said no after thinking
    about it and nicely bowed out. If these guys want
    to pay three times the going rate bye bye. Went
    on our way.
    Well that was march 2012.
    Still only a small deposit has been sent. On a
    million dollar plus deal less than 20000.
    The farmer shows up today pst at not being paid.
    We kind of say you made your bed now sleep in
    Seems they want more time, yes now feb 1 st
    But we can rent it from him and transfer to the
    new owner. Again playing one against the other.
    Finally politely told the guy to go home when it's
    sold we will deal with who ever or not give a darn
    at all.
    So now their trying to get the original owner to find
    When will this BS stop. After he left a friend
    showed up at yard he just lost 16 quarters today
    and needed to vent.
    Every large deal in our area no one has been paid
    yet for their farm, no titles have traded. WTF is
    going on.
    Frustrated in Saskatchewan.

    People foolish enough to sign a deal where there
    is no firm closing date deserve what they get. If
    funds have not been transferred prior to closing
    date then interest will I'm sure be tacked on
    otherwise there is more to this story than we are
    being told.


      Why do guys with more than enough land
      to make a good living off of pay way
      more than the productive value to get


        This is the type of info that needs to be posted to
        protect us from god knows.


          Give me a break. Hearsay and innuendo! Ever
          think your neighbor is telling you this SF3
          because he is embarrassed when he sees you??



            they can brag to the neighbour they cannot brag to the foreigner. It is called saving face. The foreigner will get the land and **** your neighbour but your neighbour will have face. anyways Sask3 ****ing the foreigner is easy pay high rent and don't pay then drop the land and let someone else take it. Your son or whomever can rent it and then not pay rent and the land can be up for rent again. Then other son can rent, no one know who these land owners are any way so why not screw the hell out of them. then Sask3 you can buy the land cause the land owner is fed up with farming.


              I just can't wrap my head around these new land
              companies. Locals are getting f$&ked!
              But maybe when it's a stranger it feels better. A
              fool and his money is Ono departed. Heard broad
              ass is cut off!


                Dave I still get the FLSB land sales nothing has
                changed hands since spring. So no money!


                  Presumeably the title would still be in the seller's name until settlement is made so at most he'll be out maybe a year's income and likely a bunch of legal fees.
                  The whole thing stinks, sounds like a crooked real estate agent (none of those around - right?).


                    Is this a Maxcrop deal?


                      There are various ways of taking options out on other persons properties. If you have not seen the complete sales agreement; it is possible that a relatively naive seller may have signed and accepted an agreement that effectively provides for the resale of the farm by the person holding the option; without ever paying a nickel beyond the "option".....And extentions may indeed occur if the "relatively naive" seller does not get in too big a hissy fit over what he now partially understands about what the original documents actually provide for.
                      If in todays "raidly escalating" farm land values; no new buyer is found who is willing to pay $20,000 more than the million dollars it was supposedly worth going on a year ago; then the strictly legal liquidated damages are the "$20,000 down payment". Its like putting 2% down to obtain a potentially double digit return in what looks like a strong rising market.

                      Could anything be more clear and straight forward.

                      For this or any other strictly private business to discussed in public it would be nice to know both side to the story; and the intentions behind everything. Perhaps it would also be appropriate to have the consent for private dealings to even be mentioned outside gossiping neighbors.

                      If this were tied to public business debate; which it is in an indirect way; then there should be stances made by farmer's organizations, APAS and all the levels of government; and the electorates at large. That process is best done through connsultation, spreading information and full debates.

                      Now that type of forward planning and concensus agreement will never ever ever ever be made in time to have any meaningful impact.

                      We have been failed........


                        The second part of what should be asked is:

                        Would Saskxxxx or any of those who agree with him/her; do anything differently if they coveted additional acres beyond what they could physically farm with their own bodies and possibly those closely enough associated that they receive the full losses and profits of what Mother Nature and their own management allows to be produced on those additional lands.

                        What I'm saying is that there may be a fine line separating managers of "mega" indiviual private farms organized as a corporation; and some land holding investment company owned by a single or few individual.

                        Would there be concensus for the majority to discuss how we should deal will all those who are disproportionately tying up the world's land base.

                        The debate may bring out some pretty nasty comments that would come pretty close to our own homes. I would be most interested in the telling reactions of those who become offended; or may feel that they should defend themselves.


                          Tell me how far off base this "mega farm" business plan would be....
                          Twenty-five dollars per acre would be budgeted for the provision of seeding annd harvesting machinery which would provide all "as new" equipment for whatever scale the farm grew to over time.

                          Labor would be provided for as the farm manager saw fit from a limited pool of associated relatives and increasing non-Canadians on a non permanent basis. Perhaps a full time foreman; but majority of seeeding/harvest busy seasons covered by seasonal Mexicans/exchangestudents/woofers/those who will put in some long hours for remuneration that Canadians have obviously refused to fill.

                          Unwritten agreements and understandings have been made that certain "quadrants" of expansions are the territory of certain expanding neighbors; and it is somewhat generally accepted that some sorts of competition are not in the interest of "neighbors".

                          At the scale the "real farmers" are operating; there is no one really dependent on the help of any of the "neighbors"; and no one even gives a thought to other than their own growth and present situations.

                          Everyone is quite smug about how sucessful they have been; and now that the township sized farm has been well exceeded; the top ten per cent are looking forward to picking up the remainder.

                          But darn, there is foreign competition; and it could be a formidable obstacle; and gee the federal and provincial governments are not as concerned about the rural vote and are musing about deceasing farm subsidies; and wow there is even some backlash from the consumer who sees there isn't but one or a few really involved in the meat industry or any other sector.

                          Maybe the final scenario is a foregone inevitable conclusion; but maybe also it will substancially scollapse and will have to start over to a great extent.


                            Yes this deal is that! I still say my kids
                            will have all the land they want when
                            their 18 to 20 in our area. All the land!


                              I have said it before and I will say it again. It is not the time to go after big pieces at these prices, a strategic quarter or half that will only come up once in a lifetime yes if you have the cash but not big chunks. Even last winter I thought we were at the top and I was still a buyer at those prices now we are %50 higher again. I am waiting for the bubble to burst and the investment companies to start liquidating before buying any significant amount. Renting looks like the smart move now.


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