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What's next to be built without the CWB!

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    What's next to be built without the CWB!

    So a pasta plant to deliver to probably a few
    more flour plants so what else could spring up
    without the CWB?
    When will elevators offer fall price for 2012 crop.
    Durum and Hrs.
    Will seed growers loose out or gain under new
    system. I'm thinking gain as some crop contracts
    might require cert seed. Pay should be better
    than with CWB Warbiton contact.

    Will be more demand for cps type wheats. Probably more ethenol plants in the future.


      How about a new house for myself. Maybe a 5th wheel trailer sorry if imported. Instead of paying 240 grand for them new combines what could we do with the extra cash. Wheat as a cash crop, even export cps, what the hell??


        As the re balancing of acres takes place over the next few months, it will be interesting to see how farmers react.

        For guys that have shortened their pulse rotation it allows them to shift acres that others will have to pick up.

        Actually, what crop will not be bidding for acres next year??

        Canola needs to maintain acres,as does peas lentils. Chickpeas need more acres. But what happens if spring wheat or durum come out with an off the combine price with full delivery and full payment? How do grain companies get the other grain that farmers have been selling for cash flow??


          I'm thinking a malting plant.


            Possibly more grain bins. If legislation isn't introduced
            soon (and spells everything out clearly) and if industry
            doesn't get it's ducks in a row, 2012 could turn into a
            real shit show. And then there's the potential for the
            court challenges. As far as value added goes, I'm in
            Cott's corner, there is more to it than good intentions.
            That's why Alberta is hopeful the Keystone XL pipeline
            gets built to transport raw bitumen to Texas for
            refining. Refined product from here isn't sufficiently
            profitable to trigger the necessary investment.


              Lets not forget this is not just about value added. There are going to be all sorts of export opportunities that never existed before as well.

              What the wheat board has been doing can be called "demand management". Not unlike supply management but in reverse. Letting a little bit of demand trickle through here and there.

              Once the single desk is out of the way demand will finally get to flow in unrestricted. We're going to see board grains going in all sorts of different directions that they've never been allowed to go before.


                I wouldn't get too excited yet Boys. Personally I don't think all the stars are going to line up quick enough for the August 2012 deadline. There are going to be all kinds of roadblocks (opposition tactics, senate, legal challenges, etc.) I think if they are going to do it, do it right. They have 5 years(not that anyone wants to wait even 1 day more) Just opening the flood gates could create a shit show. I don't think the transition will be as smooth or easy as hoped.


                  I also predict More Grain Bins being built.
                  Because if we 'take the price' off the Combine, Sorry, 'MARKET 'off the combine we will be 'Marketing' at the lowest price of the year, so I will build More bins till the time is right to 'price take' OH Sorry I forgot again 'to Market'


                    Yes and you may have to actually phone up your local elevators every once and awhile to check up on prices, you poor thing. How ever will you cope? LoL!



                      I sold some canola off the combine for 12 bucks a bushel and delivered the contract in full and got paid in full as well.

                      Sold some flax for between 13.50 and 14.00 off the combine and got paid in full.

                      Maybe these are not the highs for those particular commodities but they are some of the best off the combine prices I have seen for them. And there is still some in the bins.

                      How's the cwb working. 25 percent delivery and 40 percent of your money.

                      BTW, it looks like the cwb is short again. How is the cwb going to explain the discretionary trading losses this time????



                        I find it amusing that I am allowed and encouraged to deliver my Canola to meet our family and farms cash flow needs... as we need... IN the fall if that is our plan.

                        We plan a year ahead... as do our grain marketers/handlers/processors of Canola... and presto with a reasonable basis deliver our Canola IN THE FALL.

                        None of this negative $55 CWB BASIS antics... from the 'single desk' organisation that claimed they were fair and did not rip off growers since they had a 'monopoly'.

                        WOW... the CWB leaders do not walk the walk... the CWB talks and talks... while skinning growers; and doing the opposite of what the CWB claims they are and say; that they stand for.

                        What a joyous day it will be for so many... when the monopoly is broken.

                        For me personally... it is sooo bitter sweet... because if the tools the CWB has -now- were properly managed... there was ABSOLUTELY no need to even change the CWB Act as it is this very day.

                        CWB Chairman Oberg continues to provide arrogant deceptive leadership... tearing apart an excelent team and recking decades of hard work and good will.

                        The seeds OBERG and his crew have planted ... are about to be harvested.

                        What has grown out of their work and council (Oberg and friends at the CWB)are bitter and weak fruits...

                        That appear to badly serve the very grain growers they claim to be doing this manipulation, intimidation, and deception... job for.

                        WHAT a truly disappointing mess.


                          Mustard com on, how many producers just dump canola, peas, lebtils, exc off the combine that is not priced two to six months earlier? yep, we are all going to sell HRSW off the combine at the same time and chase the price down lol. I see less bin space needed.


                            There is gonna be a shitload of research and development for sure once the cwb is gone and the plant built.

                            1. major study to determine whether or not ex-lax will have a greater effect on elderly people plugged up from pasta made in Saskatchewan or the US.

                            2. major study on whether or not Sask pasta can become stealth like and therefore used by the arctic border patrol when on extended missions with their stealth snowmobiles they can stop and wip out the painted white hibachi and box of stealth Sask KD (k is not kraft) and continue on.

                            3. major study to see if sask pasta can replace gold as the standard of currency. that way when serving or finished prime ministers meet the likes of hans schrieber in hotels in new york it would be alot easier to explain bags of spaghettios than bags of money being exchanged, by saying the kids were really hungry.

                            4. Can pasta made in sask really be used to repair a broken radiator?

                            5. If you burn the sask pasta til it is black can you make it into a hockey puck?

                            the opportunity list is endless this is really gonna be big!


                              Furrow gotta admit selling off the combine is the most brain dead excuse of them all. they are sucking slough water


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