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1st swathing fields in eastern Sask

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    1st swathing fields in eastern Sask

    last night headed back up to NE Sask and saw one field of HRS being swath and then a few miles later a field of Barley.
    HRS looked thick from road but 36ft swath really isn't large. This was at Edgeley, then a field of early Barley similar thick around tree line then smaller as guy got into the field. Looks like real early had problems with June drought and cool may.
    Later fields in area look alot better.
    Canola field north of Melville being swath. Similar to edgely rain was to late.

    We are swathing early seeded canola , but it is very uneven in maturity.


      Checked the rye today, might be ready to cut next week later on. Barley is quite green, oats like a lawn, and canola the same. Mustard is turning a bit. We need a month of frost free in my opinion, and that time frame must be hot. We are very wet, and crops just don't mature when the soil is damp.


        Saw a canola field on highway #2 south of Red Deer opened up 3 swaths today, looked pretty early (from the highway at 70 mph). Winter wheat was desicated today, spring crops look amazing, high yielding but LATE. We need at least 3 good weeks before anything gets going. Peas are just starting to turn, most barley is still green, winter wheat could be desicated the next couple days?
        I talked with a custom silage friend today, he said they just finished a field of Vivar barley south of edmonton that went 15 tonnes/acre. Wow, if we get this crop off without a frost there will be some big numbers.
        Good luck everybody



          Damn I wish I could edit this.
          My winter wheat was desicated today, its very early but I dont want to use the seed (easier to buy clean seed than screw around in harvest). Otherwise it would be another 4-5 days.


            4 half days of lentil combining average yields , no difference in yield on seeding rate of 45lbs/acre vs 60lbs/acre. on red impacts.
            winter wheat still to tough had about 1inch rain over last 4 days, peas likely ready will stay there till lentils are done, fall rye still tough same storey it will stay till lentils are over.
            canola very patchy three stages will likely wait a week then swath at night.,
            Barley/CPSR/Durum long way off but likely will be ready by the time we get there.
            Harvest is now full on , everybody stay safe and take your time, think about consequences of your actions.


              Your comment on consequences hit home, funeral today for a 46 year old friend, his youngest turned 16 yesterday. He was a oilfield supervisor and got spit off his quad while going for a tool, landed on rocks and when he didnt come back they went looking and found his body. I hope like hell he died right away.
              We all do things every day we would not let our kids do but agriculture/oilfield/construction is a dangerous occupation and we (or just me?) take shortcuts we know we shouldnt. Take a minute and think "would I let my kid do this?". I am trying to be more aware of the bad habits I am passing down.

              Be Safe


                se sask, peas are done
                worst was 32, best was 44
                lentils around 20
                canola being swathed everywhere, but some still grass green
                gonna try early hrs wheat today
                many crops being dessicated


                  Peas are all over the map from really really good to average. Canola first field swath today close to town but sown on may 1.Every where from grass green to still flowering. HRS and Durum a week away and heat is coming great. Early barley thinner than late. Same for all crops those seeded after second week in may will be huge if it doesn't freeze into 1st week September.


                    Ron, your friend was quite the character and it is a shame he is gone, I grew up riding the same bus as him, and he gave us many memories with his sense of humor.....one of our combine operators went down for the funeral..... be safe everyone....i will be a lot more careful after what happened, especailly on my quad when riding the leases.......

                    on the harvest front we done winter wheat....canola getting swathed at night as we are getting 30 plus highs, well into peas now, no need for preharvest, the sprayer will sit for rain and post harvest app....if it does not rain we will have the crop in the bin by the end of the first week of sept....


                      sorry about your friend Ron

                      My day job is very safe - it makes you realize how unsafe farming can be. I would echo the comments here about taking the extra second to ensure what you're doing is OK.

                      Crops are sure advancing with this heat. Every day they lose a bit more green. I think we'll be swathing canola this week west of Edmonton.


                        Heard of first peas in the Muenster area going 60 , heard this second hand from someone getting parts this morning so take it for what its worth. We are 3-4 days away from peas, a week away from barley and a week from swathing canola. There is some canola going down but it looks awfully green to me, brown tinge on top but grass green underneath.


                          Winter wheat comming off here, 1/2 of the yeild copmpared to last year. Peas anywhere from 10-40. We have some canola ready but will wait two days for this extreme heat to pass by. The Victory 1036 is full of off types, what a garbage canola variety, short - no standability and the grass green 6-7ft tall off types. Terrible genetics, Cargil said the will not discount the green seed - we will see. Definately not worth the premium they pay.


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