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Informa Study on BNN

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    Informa Study on BNN


    That video gives even less info than the report and those charts...ridiculous.

    Superficial attempt to sway public opinion towards the government view..


    p.s. Who watches BNN? What is that anyway, the Bull Shippers Network?

    And who sent that video in???and why???


      Yes willy, why would you want to watch the Buisness News Network? It's not like you're actually running one now is it?

      Seems to me this Informa study has got you a little worried. You are certainly squealing enough about it.



        It is a real shame...

        That you would rather...

        Destroy the CWB...

        Than have the CWB provide real and tangable benefits to 'designated area' grain growers who actually must earn a living from the services the CWB management and directors force us to accept!

        "There are none so blind...

        As those who will not to see...

        ...You shall know the truth,

        And the truth will set you free."

        BNN is owned by CTV;

        There is No news orgnization has been more crytical of the Harper government in the last 2 years... according to many sitting Conservative MP's...

        I will be very interested in the canned CWB response...

        This is the exposure the CWB needed... to set the record straight!


          Who is watching bnn?-are you crazy?

          CTV is more critical?-are you crazy?

          That interview was worth wathing?-are you crazy?



            OK... I give up... who are you working for today?


              Lots of people watch bnn,especially people in business.

              CTV is very right leaning bias,as cbc is a left leaning bias.

              That interview sucked because that chick was an idiot that talked mostly with her hands.

              Of course these are just my opinions.


                ctv right leaning basis???, cp i agree with lots of what you pronounce, but i watch their news and they are liberal big time, Fife (knuckle draggers are whjat he thinks of the cpc), Oliver, Robertson, et al, not as left as cbc, but they have disdain for harper


                  I agree that she could have done a better job telling the story.

                  I disagree that CTV is "right" leaning, I don't think any of the main three TV stations in Canada lean right.

                  It's still cool to see the CWB debate hit TV, it never really has before other than 30 second clips of guys protesting.



                    Thanks for answering my question!

                    The only thing more complicated than your marketing strategy... is your politics!

                    You deserve an Oscar... for best actor in Dr.WHO/Tourchwood... Captain Jack!

                    Isn't he the guy that got caught in the time machine... and ended up invincible and doesn't need to sleep any more?


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