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U.S. Farm Bill

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    U.S. Farm Bill

    WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- On the heels of a strong vote for passage in the House, senators on Thursday approved a $289 billion, five-year farm bill that is under a presidential veto threat. Senators voted 81-to-15, easily attaining the two-thirds majority needed to override a veto. On Wednesday, House lawmakers voted 318-to-106 to pass the bill, also securing the two-thirds majority needed for an override. The farm bill would increase funds for nutrition programs and authorize subsidies for farmers, among other moves.

    And where is Canada's "Farm Bill". We have a hodgepodge of programs. At least the 'mericans know where they stand re: support. WE, on the other hand have grandiose but unworkable schemes designed by lawyers and accountants who for the most part...have not a clue.

    When neighbours tell me that they got a $4000.00 government support overpayment last year and others got nothing, it makes you wonder.
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