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Beautiful Sunday AM

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    Beautiful Sunday AM

    I hope that those in need of moisture in the southern parts of the province are finally getting some much need precipitation!

    We are missing all of this. That is just fine, as all creeks, and ditches are still running.

    I heard lots of guys seeding in the south. Is this true??

    Yorkton to Regina No one seeding, Next week I am from Assiniboia to Estevan along the border, will know extent of snow or rain and how much seeding is going on. Thankful we missed the snow that the west is getting Good rain in early June what we need.
    Creeks running not like last year but going and sloughs are their again not as big as last year but their.
    Temp next two weeks taking a nose dive now that scares me. Looks a lot so far like 02 and 04.


      From 100 miles NE of Calgary, hadnt seen any moisture up until yesterday for almost two months. Started snowing yesterday. A wet snow turned ugly and cold around -11 with a north wind Temp now -25 with wind chill. still snowing but blowing away almost as fast. Should have good seeding moisture now with this snow. If things change maybe peas in the ground next weekend.


        Southeast Saskatchewan.

        Windy, windy. Sun shining brightly. No snow. Ground bare. No rain.

        So, who has found the first crocus of 2008?



          Southwest of Northeast Sask. got some rain this early morning then quit. So working hard fixing machinery never seems to be enough time to get everything fixed.


            http://www.rap.ucar.edu/weather/satellite/displaySat.php?region=US&itype=vis&size=small&endD ate=20080420&endTime=-1&duration=12


              Got dumped on last night and this A.M. Things will be on hold here for this week as cold weather is comin in tues.


                Whats shocking is the next 10 to 14 day forecast is calling for between 3 and 8 for highs and some -15 or greater for evenings.


                  missed almost the entire storm in the east part of West Central sask. Hutterites were seeding last week, few guys put out edge, and or liquid fert last week. Lots of Crocuses down in my coulee. A rain in mid may would be better for our area.


                    M & M,

                    Good for you on the crocuses. Do you know my email address? I'll send you a prize for noting the crocuses, if you want to send me your address.

                    You deserve it.



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