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'Designated Area' wheat grower is cranky

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    'Designated Area' wheat grower is cranky


    Vader has access to the exact data for FPC sales they themselves do. In fact in a years time... it will be published by the CWB in the next Financials.

    vADER... You gloat over our pain...

    Vader... you should have instead asked for access to the way over 3.5mmt of CWB 'reserve' grain... that we ('designated area' slaves) were forced to hold during the highest prices in history.

    The CRIME OF THE CENTURY... just occurred... and YOU Vader you are grinning all the way to the bank/pool/contingency fund... depending which pocket you use!

    What a professional attitude.

    I can imagine all the 'good will' you are creating for the CWB!
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