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Supreme Court

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    To quote Kevin OLeary "you are a bonafide nut bar"


      Let me guess BGMB, you and your hero Kevin Oleary probably support TWAT's like Harper who promote "T"heir "W"ar "A"gainst "T"error as a way to take more of your human rights away every time some incident like Ottawa or Paris or ****ing 9-11 happens. Conspiracy theory or not.

      Rather a nut bar than a kit kat - take a break for Christ sake - you must be worn out.


        Canada is not perfect but its as close as any country and we need to work to make it better. Making ridiculous unfounded accusations about the government does nothing for anyone.


          Do you like having your rights limited more every day bud? unfounded hey... you must be a CBC fan as well. Great acting.


            I agree that Canada is amazing and will always be home. Perfect place for free speech and accepting name calling challenges from folks like yourself.

            Hope you get everything you want.



              Call Kevin O'Leary with this Dragon Tank idea:
              Sell bumper stickers depicting a nail gun and the words, "Come And Take It."


                Is this actually factual? I sure couldn't find anything to back this up or to add more information. Sounds too stupid even for here.


                  Kevin O'Leary is no longer with Dragon's Den. No use pitching ideas to him about bumper stickers.


                    Kevin O'Leary is with Shark Tank


                      OK, Shark Den it is then.


                        Still would help to know if "nail guns" aka "air nailers"; are in the sights of courts (or the police); or Canada Customs. I haven't found anthing to back that up. "Air guns" aren't construction trade equipment.

                        It's entirely possible that someone thought they were putting two and two together and don't know there is more than arithmetic involved.


                          Rock you know how to use a computer?its not a big deal inself(cant cut and paste from phone). I'm guessing but it just puts police the capacity to lay more/worse charges in certain situations. Those that are scared of their own shadow will applaude. The real problem is the abuse of the power in the future. Easier to boil a frog than through it in boiling water.

                          For you romantic canadian nationalist's ,i see great things in our communities a couple of provinces but I guess it may take more than fifty percent of your income to wake up and stop feeding the east.


                            Oddly enough just read the EPA just banned 80 percent of wood burning stoves dont know it to be true but at what point does a person give a shit?my guess is coffee or sugar.


                              cotton - in Calgary they just banned tobogganing on public properties because of the high risk of injury to the public, kids especially. Not that its been a problem. We had a PC MLA a few years ago who presented a private members bill to institute seat belts on motorcycles. You know how it rolls.


                                I agree, We dont need any more rules BUT your suggestion that the shooter on the hill was somehow staged for political gain is a little out there.


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