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Diesel Shortage in Northern US

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    Diesel Shortage in Northern US

    Red River Valley Deals with Diesel Shortage — High demand for both dyed and farm diesel is causing long lines at the Magellan terminals in Fargo and Grand Forks. Jason Schwants, west region vice-president of wholesale operations, CHS Fuels, says the late wheat harvest is causing the increased demand. “Fargo is fairly well supplied. Grand Forks tends to be the end of the Magellan Pipeline so they’re having a problem getting diesel up there because demand is so heavy right now. Grand Forks has been in-and-out of diesel. We are trying to help out. We have a refinery in Laurel, Montana and a pipeline that comes all the way over to Fargo. We are shipping some diesel over to help that situation and keep our customers supplied as best as we can. Fargo may become a hub terminal since Grand Forks is at the end of the line. They may use Fargo as the supply point to get it to the customers faster.” Schwantz says the diesel terminal at the Twin Cities is doing some work, adding to the supply problem.
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