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Wher are every one on Fertilizer prices!

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    Wher are every one on Fertilizer prices!

    We prebought and from what I see talking to different fert suppliers their is a huge difference in what was paid last fall and what the heck is happening today.
    This is totally insane that the price of this input would rise by this huge amount and price of production of our product is down 50% and no end in sight for a increase.
    Now they are telling me to get my product home because their worried about supplying all in spring. Yes the deal was to have it home by March but could that be the next scare tactic by these guys.
    Yes if its railed into Sask their could be a shortage but F^&k on the rest not sure how.
    Or is it a typical baffle the farmer with Bull shit and lets make a fortune.
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