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What do attentive sales personel say?

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    What do attentive sales personel say?

    They say it's a new era in Western Canadian grain production. At least that's my interpretation.

    Yesterday I let it be known at a local equipment dealership I was in the market for a used tractor and drill. I even said my budget was 1/2 to 1/3rd what typical guys around here spend on such iron. And low and behold a salesman showed up at my kitchen table the next morning! Never before have I had such attention.

    Buying a used combine a couple years ago was like pulling teeth. In my typical experience, I was just happy if a sales person could be bothered to return a phone call. But now I wonder if dealerships are feeling the results of poor rail service and the resulting farmer cash-flow problems?

    I hesitate to say it but I think it's a sign that the prairies could be in an economic funk, over the short term. Or maybe... I just finally met the one good salesman left in Western Canada. Who knows?
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