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Farmtech 2014!

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    Farmtech 2014!

    Hi folks,

    At Farmtech and a few brave fellows told me I needed
    to say HI!

    Astronaut Chris Hatfield did a great job tonight! An 11
    year old young guy asked him about his health... and
    Chris brought him up on stage and spent ten minutes
    with him... this young guy will remember this night for
    the rest of his life! What a credit to all Canadians Chris
    is... Bless Him!!!

    Sounds like we are headed for an average weather year
    in 2014... cool to start then dryer and warmer as the
    summer rolls along... nothing too revolutionary.

    Happy new year!

    Great Job and thanks to all who put together a class act
    that is world class... the best ag conference on earth
    for grain growers! Thanks Rick and crew again!!!
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