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Harper and the conspiracy to bribe Duffy

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    Harper and the conspiracy to bribe Duffy

    It is pretty obvious based on RCMP files made public yesterday that Harper and the Conservative party were involved in a conspiracy to bribe Duffy who alledgely committed fraud and breech of trust.

    The RCMP investigator was careful to say there was no direct evidence that the PM was involved in approving the $90,000 payment from Wright to Duffy. But the list of of those who knew, is so long and so close to the PM, it is all but impossible to believe that the PM was not informed of the deal. This is the PM who is famous for micro-managing every file and it is very doubtful that he was not involved. Even if on the outside chance he was not informed of the details, his office under his command was leading the conspiracy.

    All it takes is one email showing that the Prime Minister was informed of and approved the payment, and the big lie is over.

    What a bunch of fools. Rather than crack down on Conservative Senators who claimed illegal expenses they decided to try and cover it up when it became a political hot potato.

    If it hadn't of become a political liability they were prepared to let it go on. In fact the Senators were initially told that their expenses were okay. In fact The PM publicly said he had personally reviewed Wallin expenses and they were okay.

    Harper appointed Duffy and Wallin knowing that they did not reside in their province of representation. He used them to advance the Tory cause. They likely billed tax payers for partisan work on behalf of the Conservatives. Maybe double billed.

    Is there is a chance may see a sitting Prime Minister charged with bribery and breech of trust?
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