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Funny the Truth is now coming out Brazil had frost and Russia wont produce 50 pus Mil of HRS!

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    Funny the Truth is now coming out Brazil had frost and Russia wont produce 50 pus Mil of HRS!

    Frost that hit the wheat crop in Brazil's leading producer state Parana this week will likely force the country to import more than the 2 million tonnes of wheat it has bought from North America, even with tariffs, Brazilian buyers said, reports Reuters.
    Local meteorologists Somar and Simepar reported multiple days of frost over the heart of that country's wheat growing regions this week. In addition, they say more frost could hit Parana wheat areas on Thursday.
    Early in July, the Agriculture Ministry forecast that Parana would produce 2.7 million tonnes of wheat, almost half of Brazil's expected total output of 5.6 million tonnes. Brazil has an annual wheat demand of 11 million tonnes.
    Russia's 2013 wheat crop may come below official forecasts due to drought in some regions and a late spring in others, the head of the Grain Producers Union said on Wednesday.
    Russia, one of the world's key wheat exporters, had harvested 26.6 million tonnes of wheat from a third of its planted area as of July 23.
    The country's wheat harvest will come between 45 and 48 million tonnes this year, up from last year's 38 million tonnes, Pavel Skurikhin, the head of the Grain Producers' Union said.
    Government officials had expected the crop to reach not less than 50 million tonnes after last year's drought.
    "Heat in some regions of the Southern and Volga Federal Districts, rains during harvesting in Central District and a decrease in sowed area in Siberia will impact the harvest," Skurikhin told reporters.
    The grain crop will also lag the official forecast of 95 million tonnes, coming in at 75-80 million tonnes, of which 15.0-15.7 million tonnes could be exported, Skurikhin said.
    Russia's agriculture ministry expected exports of grain crop to come in at 20 million tonnes in 2013.
    Russia plans to increase exports and replenish state stocks during the 2013/14 marketing year, which started on July 1, after a drought last year slashed its harvest.
    Maybe this practise of BS projections causes half the problems.
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