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CWB PRO: Grain Prices Up.

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    These guys prob wont know what to do with all
    that money. Now that they dont have the power
    to confiscate peoples grain, they might have to
    actually learn what its like to compete and
    actually manage a company.


      What I wonder about is who owns the CWB? I
      may be wrong but, it is still the Federal
      govenment owning the entire lock stock and
      barrel. So while it does seem like a massive
      transfer from the Canadian taxpayers to the
      CWB II. It is really just robbing Peter to
      pay Paul.
      As others have noted its important that this
      come from taxpayers as it was the government
      that had imposed the Monopoly on us. And we
      are only 32 sleeps until market freedom,
      which is the endzone.


        "Earlier this year Ritz unveiled a $25-million, five-
        year program to give incentives to grain companies to
        use the Port of Churchill to ship grain."

        Strange no-one commented on this part. I thought it
        was supposed to be all about free enterprise? I guess
        subsidizing the large grain companies is considered
        free enterprise? - now you are in the same boat as
        the beef industry - constant pay outs to the big
        packing companies. Gotta loves the illusion that is
        "free enterprise".


          Is Churchill a government policy issue or something
          where there is a business case? So you believe that if
          it is government policy to provide economic activity
          to Churchill for strategic reasons, farmers should pick
          up the tab?


            Churchill was all politics. The $25 mil is a crap, cover, sniff, expense.


              Blackpowder: the cost of the CWB to the taxpayer
              was not zero. It was, in fact, huge.

              First, pool deficits. Over the years, taxpayers
              have paid close to $2 Billion to cover these
              mistakes. That's "Billion" - with a B.

              Next, think of all the trade challenges that the
              CWB supporters like to brag about how " the
              CWB won every time". Yes, it cost the CWB
              millions to fight these but they weren't alone; the
              federal government was right there alongside
              them pumping expensive taxpayer resources into
              fighting every challenge. Note: the US was always
              challenging the CWB, not simply Canadian
              exports into the US. So don't get fooled into
              thinking that it was simply ongoing exports into
              the US that caused these challenges - it was
              indeed the CWB itself that caused them.

              Think of all the studies and Royal Commissions
              paid for by the taxpayer (and there were many of
              them) - all trying to figure out how to make the
              grain industry work better but never, ever
              contemplating what the real solution was; get rid
              of the single desk.

              Now think of all the lost opportunities and what
              they would have meant to our economy - in terms
              of GDP, taxes paid, etc. Immeasurable.

              And finally, think of the lower income to farmers
              and what that cost the economy.

              You know what has incensed me? Talking to
              farmers who say things like "I don't care if I get
              less revenue through the CWB - it's more
              important that we all get the same." What an
              economically numbingly stupid position. And I've
              heard it more than once.

              Speaking as a taxpayer, don't even begin to bore
              me with that old argument that the CWB never
              cost me anything. It has cost us all much more
              than we will ever really know.

              This $349 million is welcomed in that it comes
              with the knowledge that this is the last of it.


                jdepape, its not the price of a cup of
                coffee. We don't all pay the same taxes as
                20% pay 80% of the taxes and most of the
                people who post here are in that 20%.



                  cup of coffee, steak dinner...whatever.

                  My point is its cheap - real cheap - compared to
                  the alternative.

                  Onward and upward


                    The alternative? You mean like peas canola
                    oats lentils beans....


                      As in those commodities don't have a cwb
                      and are just fine.

                      What is the alternative you are referring


                        The $349 million is a cost to transition from a
                        single desk to no single desk. The alternative is
                        to not transition, i.e. keep the single desk.

                        The "alternative" - keeping the single desk - would
                        be much more expensive.


                          it looks like the cwb has robbed every wheat farmer in the western world by lowering the price globally by poor selling .


                            Wow, hedgehog you have been drinking too much of
                            the anti CWB kool-aid what a ridiculous statement to


                              Ah ok, thx jdepape.


                                If you think it such a stupid statement alfalfa,
                                please enlighten us with your brilliant arguments
                                to the contrary rather than your own stupid
                                statements. Our family has been witness to the
                                losses caused by the single desk and the cost to
                                western canadian farmers since its inception.
                                Since 1908 we have had a skin in this game and
                                to here the likes of yourself ,as a newcomer to
                                Canadian agriculture, argue against the freedom
                                to choose is quite pathetic.


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