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Ag Canada to discontinue trees for farmsteads

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    Also anything recieved free of charge should be paid back if destroyed like the shelterbelts. A lean should be placed upon these lands that the free trees are planted. not likely to happen, what should is not what is.


      my wife will not like it but since notill it really does not serve a purpose .
      it is sad to see them bull dozed out.
      i will try keep what i have except on ends corners etc.

      i was ask by a lady if caragana was native here. or people planted them.
      i said oh yes there native.
      but there are 2 distinct variety's the east west, and the north south,

      yes i know there from russia but i could not resist.


        Wilagro, I think direct seeding will seriously slow
        down dust bowl conditions like in the 1930s.
        Stubble will hang onto the soil a little longer than
        tilled soil. Around here the big farms are digging
        out all tree lines, fence lines and shelter belts. It
        makes larger longer fields and that makes
        efficient seeding and spraying. Let the next guy
        worry about erosion or spray drift.


          Willy if you want trees go buy them yourself. I'm not interested in buying them for you thankyou very much.

          This is whats wrong with the world today. Far too many people think that every little thing in their life should be paid for by some government program. From the whining students in Quebec, to the bimbo in the States who wants free birth control, to the Greeks over in Europe, to willy's shelterbelts, welfare schemes are welfare schemes and we have way too many of them.


            The PFRA shelterbelt program has probably outlived it's uselfulness. Similar to the farm dugout program and water well program?
            Maybe those Chinese, who Saskfarmer thinks are going to replace us all, aren't very keen on anything but ditch to ditch grain fields?
            The good news is now that we don't have to be paying for trees, we can afford more fighter jets and prisons?


              God forbid we actually put criminals in jail or give our troops something other than 60 year old tools to work with.


                Southern Saskatchewan would be a barren
                looking landscape if not for the tree farm and a
                pile of maintenance. Politicians pee a lot of
                money away with no return.

                The West is gettong hosed. The money spent on
                quebec, francophone language meetings, FCC
                team buildong retreets, multiculturalism, and so
                on, but the tree farm that treats all users a
                Ike, nope, cut it!

                I apprediate it and so do a lot of people in the
                Deep South.


                  When all the slash and burnin is done ta
                  Gag, maybe Ritz'll fire himself!!!!!!!


                    Maple trees qualify fer gagstability in
                    PQ. Why not poplar er spruce in Western
                    Comedia, in some places theys considered a
                    crop, weird eh?


                      For those of us with enough trees growing
                      natural like, what is in it for us? Just



                        Free poplar and willows growing in every highway ditch around here.


                          What's in it for you?

                          Well, not having to do the hours for at least the first five years if you expect much of a survival rate.

                          Few of us plant PFRA trees with the intent of using them for fire wood. I suspect your free natural ones were made for cutting and burning and regrowth.

                          You have a ready made environment that attracts certain wildlife that the barrens might only see during migration. It would be a sad world if all your heard were motors running.


                            Hey checking, I just mean if the south
                            needs government funded trees, what should
                            the north get? Government funded ......???

                            Fill in the blank.



                              Fransisco: Are we going to invade Poland or something? Do we need more prisons when stats show we obviously don't?
                              The regular army has never won a war in history. When major conflicts break out it is ALWAYS the citizen/soldier who wins the war! In both WWI and WWII the regular army sat on it's ass in Canada and the farmers/workers/small town boys did the fighting!
                              I often wonder how anyone can be so blind after all the revelations come out about the the crooked deals concerning the f-35?
                              How can anyone be so blind that they can support this garbage? Do you bleed Tory blue?




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