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Return of the American cattle

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    Return of the American cattle

    Return of the American cattle to Canada

    Julie D****r, Earth of on our premises April 7, 2005

    While Canadian cattle and other live ruminants are prohibited on American ground, Canada reopens its border to animals of the United States.

    Since March 31, Canada accepts bovines of less than 30 months for purposes of fattening and slaughter coming from the United States. The sheep and caprine of less than 12 months as well as the meat resulting from these animals are also allowed. The bulls, goats and American rams intended for the centers of insemination have also access to the Canadian market. All these goods were prohibited in Canada since the discovery of a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (ESB) in the United States, in December 2003.

    The publication of this draft Regulation in the first part of the Gazette of Canada goes back to last 30 January. This stage launched one period of comments during which 19 documents were deposited. The Payment finally came into effect on March 31, following its publication in part II of the Gazette.

    “Canada does not stop there”, warns the Canadian Agency of inspection of food (ACIA). Indeed, this one currently prepares “a wider international politics which will apply to the imports coming from all the countries”.


    Last week, at the time of the 27th meeting of the group of Cairns, the Minister for the Agriculture of Canada, Andy Mitchell, and its American counterpart, Mike Johanns, had the occasion to discuss the file of the insane cow. “(…) we can attest what we affirm since the detection of the disease in North America two years ago: the North-American cow does not present a risk for the consumers. (…) We agreed that the decisions will be based on the scientific data most recent (…)”, the two politicians affirm, in a Joint Declaration. In spite of this speech, the United States still refuses the Canadian ruminants, because of an injunction initiated by a group of American producers. At the same time, the authorities veterinary surgeons of Canada, of the United States and Mexico announced an agreement in order to harmonize their standards of importation concerning the bse. The standards of the international Office of epizooties (GOOSE), and more particularly the withdrawal of the material at the specified risk (MRS), are the stone of sat agreement. Thanks to this “North-American harmonized standard”, Mexico should reopen its border with the bovines and other alive ruminants of Canada, in three to four months. Moreover, Tunisia, Lebanon and Cuba again accept the Canadian ruminants and their products. The United States is not in remainder. Egypt has just taken again its imports of American bovines of less than 30 months.
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