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Open letter from Rick Paskal

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    Thanks for posting that article Sheri.
    Lee Nilsson makes some good points about the inadequate CFIA system!
    At the end of the day the plant will be up and running more safely....but the CFIA beuracracy and the incompetent Ag minister will still be in charge! He bungled the Maple Leaf listeria outbreak......he bungled this ecoli outbreak.....what's next?
    Obviously Gerry Ritz just isn't up to the job of cleaning up the CFIA gong show? Primeminister Harper should can him!


      Perhaps the USDA is stepping in for Ritz:


        Well, finally, we hear from a real person!

        Good for you, Sheri. That's the story we've been waiting for. The first step to that needed confidence building is to have a face attached to the story, not an impersonal company name. When no one steps in and tells their story, everybody will just fill in the blanks. And that can get out of hand pretty quick. ;-)


          Sheri that URL didn't wrap correctly.

          Here is one that works for me.



            So what? - one of the directors actually does an
            interview a month later and all is forgiven?

            But lets back up a little - ASRG - I don't think NB were
            the only game in town when Tyson wanted to sell
            Lakeside - there were rumours of Swift, now JBS,
            interest. Allowing NB to buy it then allowing them to
            close XL Calgary and Moose Jaw was a disasterous
            decision and the NFU was telling everyone that at the
            time. I believe we were the only cattle organisation to
            raise this issue with the competition bureau.
            XL and Cargill putting Ranchers out of business was a
            disgrace and I don't think either should be forgiven or
            forgotten for that.
            Maybe the smaller plants of the past wouldn't have
            gone out of business if they weren't competing with
            the chosen two Government backed, Government
            subsidised mega processors? Maybe new smaller
            plants today would do just fine if they were given the
            same level of Government backing and financial bail-
            If only one big packer is left why does that spell the
            end of the feedlot and cow/calf sectors? Cargill could
            ramp up to capacity, cattle can be shipped south in
            greater numbers - sure these things would result in
            reduced prices but they would have to fall quite a bit
            from present levels to get back to 2009 levels.

            Bailing out NB (again) at the threat of them closing
            Lakeside would be a big mistake, just as it was a
            mistake to encourage their purchase of it initially to
            prevent it from closing. Let them crash if they can't
            make it. Maybe out of the ashes we can build a better
            and brighter future?


              One packer is ok?
              When we were going from three down to two, a lot
              of people spoke out - myself included.

              Why on Earth wouldn't we speak out now when we
              go from an oligopoly to a certified monopoly?

              And do you think that Cargill can ramp up
              production enough at High River to make up for
              what XL was slaughtering?

              There is a lot more to come out from this story. A
              lot more. And I will get it.


                Competition with less than 10 bidders, certainly less
                than 5 is very poor in any case so I'm not convinced
                going from 2 to 1 would be that much worse. But of
                course there wouldn't really be just 1, just as there
                aren't really only 2 now - the US plants could still bid,
                maybe a bit more actively than they do now. Tyson,
                JBS, XL in Nebraska. All I'm saying is I don't think we
                should bail this shower out again because we so
                desperately need them, or we couldn't manage
                without them. They are bottom feeders with no
                ambition to market a quality Canadian product and
                without them maybe, just maybe, we have a chance to
                build something better.


                  We already are down to one plant (basically).

                  How much competition do you think XL and
                  Cargill are for each other?? With their horizontal
                  intigration and captive supply?

                  I bet XL and Cargill never bump into each other at
                  the golf coarse. (sark). Ha ha


                    The only reason we have good calf prices is
                    because of competition from the grains and
                    oilseed sector. If XL and Cargill want to be in the
                    meat business they better keep calf prices
                    reasonable and stable, and they already long now
                    this. 2 years ago NBI was worried about the
                    number of guys quitting. If prices would have
                    dropped big time over this current mess hundreds
                    of more cattle producers would have left. With
                    $14 canola maybe myself included.


                      grassfarmer: I do remember when Cargill came in around 1989. At that time there were basically five plants of any importance in Alberta and the new state of the art Canada Packers plant at Moosejaw. There were a few bit players like Nilssons Edmonton packers and Grand Prairie Packers but the big 5 plants killed the majority of the cattle.
                      XL Calgary was a complete bust....heavily in debt to the AB government, an aging plant on valuable Calgary real estate.
                      Lakeside Packers at Brooks was a hole, the pariah of the meatpacking business.
                      Burns in Calgary was old and again built on some very valuable real estate.
                      Canada Packers Red Deer was a 20 year old plant that had always upgraded to tha latest technology. Lethbridge Canada Packers was slightly older but well maintained and again with the latest technology.
                      Cargill got a very sweetheart deal from the AB government. No one else was able to get the kind of deal they got!
                      The management of Canada Packers saw the writing on the wall and sold out. This packing chain (CP) was a very solid well run business (the best and most profitable packer in Alberta). Burns was well run but not much investment had been going into their plants.
                      XL was poorly run, heavily in debt and probably facing bankruptcy.
                      Lakeside Packers was a bottom feeder.
                      When Cargill opened the management team was almost exclusively former Canada Packers employees.....in fact if you stopped in at the office at High River.....you might have thought you were at CP Red Deer!
                      In the end the poorest packers went on to eventually become XL Lakeside....the best packers quit because the game was rigged and they took their money and left!
                      How I know a bit about this was I had a couple of thousand shares in Canada Packers.....and I can honestly say it was one of the few investments I ever made that really paid off!


                        grassfarmer: I am not in favor of a bailout or subsidies for the big packers....but then again I'm not a cattle feeder who depends on XL.
                        Yes, I sell feeder cattle to the feedlots that supply Cargill or XL, but in reality I can break up my land and do something else with it. I should retire anyway.
                        It is kind of disappointing that we are in this situation? Mismanagement by the government has got us where we are today....and it doesn't look like it is getting any better?
                        I think when the government screwed us on the BSE deal a lot of cattle farmers lost whatever trust they had? The exodus started then and it isn't over yet.
                        I can see a day when Canada won't be able to feed itself....all due to piss poor governments!


                          In Manitoba there were plants as well. There was Swifts, Burns, and Canada Packers in Winnipeg, as well as Burns in Brandon.

                          They are all long gone. Outbid by Alberta money. We didn't like it when it happened, but the Manitoba government wouldn't even consider competing with the treasury of the Alberta government to lure someone else in.

                          The business has changed from one that pretty much processed Canadian cattle for the Canadian market, to one that processed for export. The way cattle numbers are going, we'll soon be back to growing enough to only supply the Canadian market. Problem is that won't happen. Our beef will still leave the country, and will be replaced by imports that have been processed elsewhere. We will continue to export low value commercial/industrial beef, while importing value added beef products that we didn't add the value to.

                          What does it take to turn it around? IMHO it takes the will to do it. Problem with that is that not very many have the will or the energy to do it.

                          ASRG, I agree on the government thing too. It's been a big house of cards that started falling down on May 20, 2003. And it didn't have to happen. Just imagine where we might be if the BSE fiasco hadn't happened??


                            Yes, the Canadian government knew all about the BSE in Great Britain and Europe and still allowed importation of live cattle and bonemeal from those countries.

                            I lay ALL the blame for the BSE outbreak on stupid, stupid people who didn't do their jobs properly. Even after BSE infected cattle were discovered they allowed infected material, as crude protein (from the rendering companies), to be sold to feed mills for mixing with feed as a protein supplement.


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